BC draconian law
Home > Blog > BC draconian law B.C. has the most Draconian & discriminatory Law against
Senior Drivers of all Provinces, and cannot be justified
anywhere, including their own statistics that show that seniors
are the safest on the roads, & the Provincial Government gives
premium deductions, from the Provincial Automobile Insurance to
seniors(how come)?
Under BC Law, a senior must take a medical & the humiliating faulty
Simard MD dementia test, when renewing their licences. This Law runs
in opposition to the British Columbia Health Care(consent)& Care Facility
(Admission)Act of 1996, Chapter 181, wherein it clearly states,
“Every Person is to be fully informed by the Health Care Worker of what
procedure they intend to apply to the patient, and why.
The Patient by Law has the right to refuse, and if the patient does agree,
the agreement must be in writing”. Should the Doctor or Health Care Worker
violate this Refusal Notice, they are liable by law. This law was passed
precisely to prevent this kind of transgression.
This raises two issues, one Legal & the other ethical. How can a Provincial Act
Override another Act, designed to protect the Citizens Rights over their own
bodies, and order that they take a medical test , that has no relationship to
the persons medical history?
All experts know, there is no mental Silver Bullet, that can measure a persons
ability to drive a car, The Gold standard is still a road test, if their
driving record suggests a problem.
This cries out for Legal Scrutiny.
Sincerely, Ed. Rockburne, RCMP, Retired.
Home website, www.stopelderdriverabuse.ca