"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."

Senior Driving Issues

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Driving after 75: Safety first, or ageism?

Driving after 75: Safety first, or ageism? Is singling out drivers 75 and older “grossly unfair”?   BY CHRIS ZDEB OCT 2, 2019 (First of a two-part series.) Prime Times     Alberta drivers are required to pass a mandatory medical exam to renew their licence at age 75, age 80, and every two years […]

Elder Drivers being discriminated Against by the Ontario Government

OVERVIEW Some seven years ago I began researching why the elder drivers were being subjected to special testing when they reach 80 years of age, despite being healthy and having a good driving record, covering many years. I researched all of the major studies on elder drivers from England, Australia , Canada and the United […]

Alberta Transportation Abuse

ABUSE BY DRIVER FITNESS AND MONITERING REVIEW OFFICER, ALBERTA TRANSPORTATION John B. had to sell his beloved Family Farm because he was directed by Driver Fitness and Monitoring Review Officer that he was allowed to drive in Edmonton but not in rural Thorhild, AB. The Auction Sale at which his machinery was sold was much […]

Brian Mason, Olga Tavares

July 21 2018 The Honourable Mr. Brian Mason, Minister of Transportation, # 324 Legislature Building 10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2B6   REGISTERED MAIL   Ms. Olga Tavares, Director, Driver Fitness and Monitoring Branch Main Floor, Twin Atria Building, Edmonton, AB. T6B 2X3 VIA FACSIMILE (780) 422-6612     Dear Mr. Minister: Ms.Tavares: […]

“It is premature” to test older drivers with the SIMARD-MD.

  “It is premature” to test older drivers with the SIMARD-MD. Bédard M1, Marshall S, Man-Son-Hing M, Weaver B, Gélinas I, Korner-Bitensky N, Mazer B, Naglie G, Porter MM, Rapoport MJ, Tuokko H, Vrkljan B. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: A new tool, the SIMARD-MD, has been proposed to help physicians identify cognitively impaired drivers who […]

Transit Driver Test Unreasonable

The cognitive testing of all city transit drivers to see if they are competent to drive following two bus-related pedestrian deaths in late 2016 has been deemed “unreasonable” and “intrusive” and an invasion of privacy by an arbitration panel. In a majority decision, the panel decided that the unilateral imposition of such testing was “unenforceable” […]

Paul Bretscher, Alberta Transportation

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society (1992) October 15, 2018 VIA FACSIMILE (780) 427 2022 Attention Paul Bretscher, Chief of Staff, Alberta Transportation 320 Legislature Building, 10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5K 2B6 Dear Sir: We acknowledge your letter dated 2018 8 20, mailed 2018 10 09, retrieved by us 2018 10 12 from Southgate Mail […]

DriveABLE- Cease and Desist

ZOOMER Magazine, DriveABLE

ZOOMER Magazine – THE TALK – Rebecca Field Jager – November Publication EDITOR: Suzanne Boyd ZOOMER Magazine Dear Madam: REFERENCE: ZOOMER Magazine – THE TALK – Rebecca Field Jager – November Publication It appears that Rebecca Field Jager who cites DriveABLE in her article, The Talk, had not informed herself as to the accuracy of […]

Calgary Driving School Charged With Fraud

Calgary Driving School Charged With Fraud CALGARY, Alta. – Calgary police have shut down a city driving school they say has issued hundreds of bogus Class 1 licences to drivers from across the country ALLEGED SCAM: Police say many of the students who received a Class 1 licence through Delta are unqualified to drive. OUT […]

Ageism at MTO

Ageism at Ministry of Transportation Ontario, (MTO) Ageism is defined as the “prejudice or discrimination against a particular age group and especially the elderly”. The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has been recently accused of this discrimination (see internet stop elderly abuse), yet continue the policy of requiring people 80+ to take a written exam […]

Elderly drivers: Safer than you might think

    For one, no matter what you’ve heard or believe, drivers over the age of 70 are not the biggest menaces on the road. “While older drivers have their issues, we have to remember that overwhelmingly the most dangerous drivers on the road are young males,” says Ian Jack, managing director of communications and […]


Simard MD & DriveABLE Protocol   According to Dr. Bonnie Dobbs’ own data, the initial screening tool, the Simard MD, administered in the physician’s office, tends to produce an indeterminate score about 50% of the time. Those who receive an indeterminate score are then referred to a DriveABLE Assessment Centre for the touch-screen test. A […]

Edmonton Transit Tested By DriveABLE

Edmonton Transit scammed by DriveABLE On Mar 2, 2017, at 2:55 AM, we received email XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote: Hi: The City of Edmonton ETS has decided to use this test and is testing all of their drivers and if they do not pass this cognitive computer test they are pulling them off their jobs and suspending […]

Medically At-Risk Driver Centre (MARD)

  IN THE WINTER OF OUR LIVES, IN THE TIME OF OUR WEAKNESS It has taken me a long time to really nail down just what it is about the MARD Institute with it’s SIMARD MD that so offends me. Let me get there in a roundabout manner. A good portion of my life has […]