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Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society

December 13, 2014

Via Email letters

The Honourable Mr. Wayne Drysdale, Minister of Transportation,

# 324 Legislature Building

10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2B6

Dear Mr. Minister:


Please be advised that in fact DriveABLE makes the determination as to who will drive. In the attached letter, it is an employee of DriveABLE Assessment Centres who made the determination.

Laura Morgensen wrote:

Mr. _____ overall performance outcome is commensurate with driving ability having declined to an unsafe level. Driving can place Mr. ________’s safety and the safety of others at risk. Mr _______was not given an on-road evaluation.

It is strongly recommended Mr. _________ not drive.” (attached)

It should be noted that this man, who was grossly misclassified and abused as a result of both the Simard MD cognitive test and the computer based DriveABLE assessment, is a seasoned trucker, who after a year of costly and emotional struggle, was able to get his Class I license back. He has been busy trucking since, making a valuable contribution to the Alberta labour force.

Decent, law abiding, tax paying Alberta citizens are being subjected to unbelievable injustices because of the Simard MD and DriveABLE pilot project.

DriveABLE Assessment Centres Inc. are the same folks who attempted to bully us

into silence with two “Cease and Desist” letters in November 2012.

We respectfully ask to be in receipt of your response by the 5th of January 2015.

Thank you.

Yours truly

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society,


Alberta Transportation Driver Fitness &n Monitoring Statement

DriveABLE recommendations dated April 17, 2012

c.c The Honourable Mr. Jeff Johnson, Seniors Minister

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