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DriveABLE Assessment Corp.Inc. multi-million dollar

Home > Blog > DriveABLE Assessment Corp.Inc. multi-million dollar

Honourable Mr. Ric McIvor, Minister of Transportation,

 Dear Mr. Minister:

Reference:   DriveABLE Assessment Corp.Inc. multi-million dollar, 

private for profit enterprise, housed in Alberta Health Services (AHS) Red                                     

Deer Health Care Centre misrepresenting themselves as if they                                  

were part of AHS and approved by Alberta Transportation.

Please advise us why this private business enterprise is housed in a tax payer funded facility?

We continue to be deeply concerned with the Simard MD and  DriveABlE testing. 

To date we have not been provided with scientific validation criteria from the 

Founders of these tests and therefore must finally conclude that no ethical validation exists.

Across the province, seniors are being abused by this protocol despite being the safest 

drivers in the province.  They have the lowest casualty rates.

11/ 03/ 13