DriveABLE Threatens Legal Action
Home > Blog Senior Driving Issues > DriveABLE Threatens Legal ActionA Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) fails Simard MD test and DriveABLE test.
To: Elder Advocates of Alberta
I thought you might be interested in the following email I have sent to DriveABLE, Calgary.
“I have serious concerns about how you run your business in a manner which lacks honesty and professionalism.
I was told that one had to pass the computer test in order to be able to take a road test. I took my computer test on April 10. Shortly thereafter Marilyn told me I had passed it and that I could take a road test, which I did on April 17.
My doctor told me that she had received your report which stated that I had failed both the road test and the computer test!
How is this possible if one has to pass the computer test in order to take a road test, and furthermore if Marilyn had already told me that I had passed the computer test?
Have you mixed my results up with somebody else’s? Clearly either that has happened and/or there is a complete inconsistency in what you are telling people at various times. To me this shows a complete lack of honesty and therefore of professionalism. And for all of that you have taken me for $250! Are you just trying to get me to take the test again so that you can make another $250?
I consider this a very important matter which has impacted my life in terms of my daily functioning and my finances, and which has legal implications.
Unless I receive from you a satisfactory response which explains and corrects the above mentioned inconsistency, I will pursue this matter taking all appropriate action”.
S.K Ph.D
“As you have made a threat of action against my company I will also advise you with this email and receipt thereof that any public, whether written or verbal, defamation towards DriveABLE Assessment Centres Inc. without first consulting myself and without reasonable regard may be met with legal action and I assure you contractually we have no control over how you were referred, assessed, communicated with or reported.”
Bill Bland, Vice President, Business Development, DriveAble,
To Elder Advocates:
The VP of the entire DriveABLE operation, i.e., worldwide has threatened the possibility of suing me for defamation. While this is probably just a lot of hot air, I would like to avoid having to deal with any hassles of this nature
I therefore ask you please not to share the earlier email with anyone, and if you already have, to inform them in kind, i.e., not to share it or speak of it.