Home > Blog > ELDER ADVOCATES OF ALBERTA SOCIETY CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT“Rise in the presence of the aged, and honour the face of the old man. . .”Leviticus 19:32Elder Advocates of Alberta SocietyBox #45028, Edmonton, AB. T6H 5Y1 elderadv@shaw.ca www.elderadvocates.caTel/Fax (780) 438-8314February 6, 2006
The Honourable Mr.Ron Stevens, QCMinister of Justice and Attorney GeneralRoom # 208, Legislature Building10800 – 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5K 2B6
Dear Mr. Minister:Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society vs.Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta et al.
It was most troubling to have been served the lengthy Affidavit filed and publishedto the AlbertaCourt by Alberta Justice on January 20, 2006which demanded a $400.000.00 ecurity deposit. It is an unfair, poorly researcheddocument which contains half truths, untruths and which could be considered defamatory.
Included in the affidavit was a 2004 Edmonton Journal Article and a photostat copyof page A12 from a 2004 Edmonton area phone bookwhich might suggest thatsome Alberta government officials were busy in 2004 attempting to discredit theElder Advocates Of Alberta Society.To date, Alberta Justice and the Health Regions have failed to file a Statement of Defense.
We believe that the Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society deserves an apologyand that the questionable Affidavit be withdrawn. The Affidavit,if allowed to stand, will only serve to embarass the government.
Respectfully submitted,
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society