"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."



Texas lawyer, Gary Trebert, 57, is facing up to 10 years in

prison and is expected to be sentenced next month on

charges of fraud. Co-defendant Stephen Ewing is scheduled

for sentencing July 30. Another defendant, Larry May, has

begun serving a four-year prison term.

These Executives who

took over management of a troubled chain of nursing homes

have been convicted of defrauding the nation’s taxpayers of $34


According to court records, the executives diverted other money

that could have paid for improved care and supervision of 6,000

seniors living in the company’s 70 nursing homes. Instead, the

money was used to pay for luxury cars for the executives, antiques,

monthly trips to England and Australia, and shopping trips to the

Gap, Saks Fifth Avenue and Wal-Mart.

The executives had been brought in because of the history of

problems with the quality of care provided to residents of the

chain’s nursing homes.

But conditions at many of those facilities

only grew worse.

Man burned to death while sitting in his wheelchair

George Baker Jr. was 54 years old when he burned to death.

In November 2004, one of the CLC University caregivers was

accused of willful neglect for deliberately leaving a dying man to

lie in his own feces and urine for three hours.

One year later, a Des Moines hospital complained that another

resident of the home had been left sitting in urine and excrement

so long that his skin had sloughed off.

In August 2005, the company’s

Norwalk nursing home was cited for failing to report a worker’s

theft of $1,037 from a resident. The worker was eventually arrested

for forging checks she had stolen from the resident.

In July 2006,

the home in Jefferson was cited for repeatedly failing to protect

residents from physical abuse and threats.

The seven Iowa homes once run by Trebert, Ewing and May are

now managed by another Texas company, Preferred Care Inc.

Adapted from the Des Moines Register