Greg Christenson Breaches of Contract
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November 9, 2023
Honourable Premier, Ms. Danielle Smith
Honourable Ms. Adriana LaGrange Minister of Health,
Honourable Mr. Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Honourable Mr. Jason Nixon, Minister of Seniors and Housing
Any market that caters predominantly to a vulnerable population should have substantial safeguards. “There should not only be regulations, but enforceable regulations,” “These are people that, for the most part, can’t defend themselves, they can’t appeal. They’re just trying to survive. They spent their life savings.”
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society.
Dear Honourable Ministers:
• Christenson Group of Companies
Business Management
• Gregory Christenson, Owner/ President
Gregory Christenson of Edmonton, Alberta, directly or indirectly owns, controls and is the controlling mind of the companies within the Christenson group. In this matter, we shall refer to him and his companies throughout as “Christenson”.
• A LIFE. LEASE is a legal agreement where purchasers occupy a home for life in exchange for an initial lump sum payment and subsequent monthly operating costs.
We are the Elder Advocates of Alberta. We speak in defence of elderly Albertans who are often vulnerable and voiceless. We have received numerous complaints concerning Christenson from both victimized elderly and their family members
1) We allege intentional, financial elder abuse by Christenson which has also resulted in severe mental and emotional abuse of elderly clients.
2) Christenson harmed and is harming elderly Alberta citizens by committing breaches of contract. We allege that he has been intentionally and with full knowledge defrauding vulnerable, elderly Albertans.
3) We allege that Christenson foresaw the possible failure of his scheme. He acted in bad faith when he lawyered up prior to developing Christenson and thus positioned himself so that he could not be held financially accountable if and when his scheme failed. He actively prepared for the possibility of failure.
4) Christenson also positioned himself that throughout this matter he would stay money secure and not suffer insolvency as have numbers of his elderly clients.
5) Christenson is no innocencia in this matter.
6) Christenson did not provide a potential legal remedy for his potential elderly clients.
7) Christenson intentionally and with full knowledge misled clients to believe that their investments
a) were safe,
b) were secured
c) would be available when needed.
1) Christenson breached Loan Agreements by failing and refusing to repay debts owed to clients.
2) Christenson obtained $11,500,000 in funds from the refinancing mortgage for their own benefit and to the detriment of Citadel Village East life lease residents and former life lease residents whose loans have not been repaid.
3) Christenson wrongfully earns significant rental income from the use of units that ought to have been re-life leased.
4) Christenson has failed or intentionally refused to make reasonable efforts to repay former life residents by obtaining refinancing on the units formerly occupied by those residents. He wrongfully continues to use and enjoy the benefits of loan funds due and owing to former life lease residents
5) Christenson has caused unspeakable mental anguish and severe emotional distress to the elderly victims and their families, some of which we have personally witnessed.
6) We have learned that no legal remedy exists for the elderly clients who invested their monies with Christenson.
7) Christenson is asking resident clients to switch from the life lease loan agreement to a rental agreement. Some clients who are reluctant to sign are saying that this demonstrates poor business practice on the part of Christenson. Christenson should first settle the life lease obligation by repaying the loan and then begin with the new proposed rental contract.
8) As of November 10, 2022, there were at least 24 former residents of the St. Albert residence that had collectively advanced at least 8 million in loans to Christenson as part of a life lease arrangement that has not been repaid.
9) Allegedly there are now over 110 senior Albertans awaiting a return of their life lease monies from Christenson, life lease investments anywhere between $350,000. to $650,000. Using a very conservative estimate, this might amount to $50 million owed by Christenson to senior clients.
10) For numbers of the clients, the life lease investments constitute their life savings.
11) A senior client has described Christenson as a Ponzi schem
12) Albertans continue to be misled by ads posted in the Alberta PrimeTimes, a Seniors Newspaper. Full page advertisements for Christenson Adult LIving cite
“Safe and social communities across Alberta”.
13) Most Recent Customer Complaint – Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Complaint Type:
Billing/Collection Issues
More info
“I terminated a ‘life lease’ with CDL in April 2021. I was told I would have my funds returned (477K) by the end of July. This slipped until Oct. 31, and I still do not have the money. CDL is advertising on TV and billboards and building both inside of Edmonton and other northern areas of the province. Clearly they have $, but don’t intend to return mine any time soon.
1) We find it concerning that the Ministry of Alberta Health provided massive capital funding, 4.75 million to Christenson’s most recent development in Whitecourt, AB, Whitecourt Manor. Even though it has been widely known for some years that Christenson has been financially abusing Alberta seniors.
2) It has been reported that in 2013 Christenson received a 4.7 million Affordable Supportive Living Initiative (ESLI) grant to build a facility with 60 continuing care beds to be provided to seniors at government established rates. Those beds would be part of the 122 unit facility Timberstone Mews which were under construction.
Thanks to taxpayer dollars Christenson projected a 29% annual rate of return on the 60 beds. Annual profits for Christenson will be $5,731. per bed taking into account the grant and HS contract
According to documents, Christenson six year profit projection was over 2 million.
1) Alberta does not provide legislation that governs the life lease industry.
We pray that this entity, this Christenson organization be held to some measure of accountability in the face of this massive and devastating abuse of elderly Alberta citizens.
Thank you.
Please allow us to be in receipt of your response in regard to this matter by the 1st of December, 2023
Respectfully submitted
Yours truly
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society (1992)
From Service Alberta Minister
Ms. Ruth Maria Adria
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society
Dear Ms. Adria:
Thank you for your email outlining concerns with life leases in Alberta. As the Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction, responsible for consumer protection, I appreciate the opportunity to respond on behalf of the Government of Alberta.
Although life leases are currently not regulated in Alberta, Premier Smith has mandated me to consider what protections could be put in place for Albertans. My department is meeting with stakeholders to gather information that will inform options and recommendations to ensure that appropriate protections are in place going forward. I understand that the Elder Advocates Society of Alberta is one of the organizations invited to participate in these discussions, and I thank you for the input you are providing through that process. Throughout our stakeholder engagements, we will examine what is currently working with life leases, challenges that life lease holders and operators may be facing, and opportunities to strengthen consumer protections that will enhance life lease experiences in Alberta.
Meanwhile, although there is no legislation specifically governing life leases in Alberta, consumers are protected by the general provisions of the Consumer Protection Act. These provisions include protections from unfair practices, including if undue pressure has been applied to a consumer, if an individual did not understand what they were agreeing to, or if the terms of a transaction were unfairly one-sided.
If Albertans feel there has been wrongdoing, they may seek legal remedies through the courts or file a formal complaint about an unfair practice with the Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Consumer Investigations Unit. To do so, they may contact the Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Contact Centre at 1-877-427-4088.
A lawyer may also be able to advise individuals on what options are available based on the terms of their contract. If someone does not already have legal counsel, they can access the Lawyer Directory at This directory is maintained by the Law Society of Alberta.
With regard to government funding, it should be noted that the units you referenced are not part of life lease contracts. Instead, Alberta Health has provided grants in some cases as capital funding for dedicated units in buildings for residents who meet specific criteria. In addition, services provided by Alberta Health Services are provided on a needs-assessed basis, regardless of whether a resident is in a life lease or other arrangement.
The information you shared in your email will be considered as we carry out this important work. If you would like to continue to share your experiences and recommendations with Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction or participate in future discussions, please email
Thank you again for reaching out with your concerns. I hope this information is helpful.
Honourable Dale Nally
Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
cc: Honourable Danielle Smith
Premier of Alberta
Honourable Adriana LaGrange
Minister of Health
Honourable Jason Nixon
Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services
November 23, 2023
Letter sent via email
Honourable Mr. Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Dear Mr. Minister:
We acknowledge your letter of November 23, 2023. However, whoever was the letter writer failed to address our complaint of November 9, 2023, (attached). It strongly appears that he/she failed to be fully informed of the issues, provided misinformation and quite frankly provided some hot air. Since the letter is unsigned, perhaps it never did reach your ministerial desk.
In today’s letter we shall again refer to Christenson Group of Companies and Gregory Christenson, Owner/ President as “Christenson”.
1) Please be advised that Paragraph 3 of your letter infers that consumers are protected. In this matter, they are not.
2) Paragraph 4 of your letter states that victimized elderly may seek legal remedy. Surely your office must be aware that there are no legal remedies available.
3) Paragraph 6 directs us to the Alberta Law Society, Lawyer Directory. What for?
4) Paragraph 7 addresses the massive capital funding that has been provided to Christenson throughout the years. Financially underwriting Christenson grants credibility to an entity that for years has been an abuser of vulnerable, elderly Albertans, Alberta citizens. Abuse that is known at the highest levels.
5) Finally, your letter inquires, whether your information has been helpful. In essence, our complaint has been trivialized and even dismissed, it would strongly appear that there will be no accountability in this matter.
Thank you.
Please allow us to be in receipt of your response by the 1st of December, 2023
Respectfully submitted
Yours truly
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society (1992)
c.c. Honourable Premier, Ms. Danielle Smith
Honourable Ms. Adriana LaGrange Minister of Health,
Honourable Mr. Jason Nixon, Minister of Seniors and Housing
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society Recommendations
Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society (1992)
November 28, 2023
A LIFE. LEASE is a legal agreement where purchasers occupy a home for life in exchange for an initial lump sum payment and subsequent monthly operating costs.
Substantial, enforceable safeguards must be legislated. Furthermore, when they invest in this market, they are very often investing their total savings
• Therefore We the Elder Advocates of Alberta. recommend that a registry be established by government to record all activities of life lease enterprises
1) That a registrar be appointed, who would act as an executive Director, and carry out the day today activities,
2) a registrar have the authority to enforce proposed legislation
3) Mandatory requirement that all landlords and owners of life lease buildings and activities be registered with the Government registry
4) A board of directors consisting of tenants and public members be appointed.
5) There be a requirement that all landlords provide total disclosure to the registrar.
6) Failure to do so, be seen as an offence.
7) All life lease, monies, be registered and approved by the government registry
8) Any withdrawal of monies by owners, or landlords from life lease buildings must be approved by the registry.
9) The landlord owner must be able to access reserve funds to repay those tenants who wish to conclude their lease.
10) The landlord owner, who commits a breach of contract should be severely sanctioned. A remedy be established when this legislation is put in place.
11) Such situation as has happened presently, which has allowed millions and millions of dollars to be owed to elderly people should not be allowed to happen such massive financial abuse.
We allege intentional, financial elder abuse by Christenson who obtained $11,500,000 in funds from the refinancing mortgage for their own benefit and to the detriment of St. Albert’s Christenson Community life lease residents and former life lease residents whose loans have not been repaid