Home > Blog > MAN DIES AFTER SEPARATION FROM WIFEVICTORIA — The husband of a woman who was rushed away from his
hospital bedside after health authorities decided she should be transferred has died.
The president of the nurses’ union said government health policies are leading
to early death and that the province “has moved into active euthanasia.”
Al Albo, 96, died less than two weeks after his wife of almost 70 years passed
away following the decision to move her to a care home more than an hour away
from her husband.
The issue has created a political storm, with the government admitting there were
problems with the care Albo received, and the nurses union levelling strong criticism.
“If the health authority just wants to not the spend money on care of seniors, than
why don’t they just be honest about it, rather than send them to an early death?”
asked Debra McPherson