Millrise Seniors Village
Home > Abuse & Neglect Studies Letters & Reports > Millrise Seniors VillageMILLRISE SENIORS VILLAGE, CALGARY, AB.
REFERENCE: “Alberta Health Services (AHS) cancels contract with Calgary long term care facility”,
Millrise Seniors Village 14911 – 5th Street S.W. Calgary, AB. Head Office – Retirement Concepts –
1818-701 West Georgia Street, Vancouver BC, V7Y 1C6
Ph. 604.662.4969 ) managed by West Coast Seniors Housing Management, owner (Chinese) Insurance Company
Earlier last year, AHS contracted with Millrise Seniors Village because of their failure to
provide safe, ethical nursing care to their elderly clients.
It was reported, that when together with AgeCare, they came on site, that long time, seasoned,
nursing staff sobbed at the sight of clients in their beds, totally neglected, some moribund who later died.
Some elderly were administered clysis (hypodermoclysis) but died.
It was found there was no food, no water, no trays were being given out. The kitchen was closed.
There wre only a few staff on site.
Everyone, at the highest level of authority is aware of the horror that happened at Millrise Seniors Village.
Now, months later, AHS has publicly announced that they are walking away, cancelling their contract
with Millrise Seniors Village.
In a letter to family members, dated January 25, 2021, AHS has acknowledged that management has
not improved their level of care.
AHS is quoted as saying, “We are not satisfied that the required changes would occur”.
Nevertheless AHS is cancelling their contract with the Millrise Seniors facility et al.
There is no indication that anyone will be held accountable for the failed level of care.
Under the Animal Protection Act, there would be accountability, licenses revoked,
charges laid.
But it appears that at Millrise Seniors Village, life may go on as usual.
It should be understood that Nursing Homes are an industry, a lucrative industry.
One never hears of a nursing home (long term care centre) going broke.
No one is ever held accountable for neglect or abuse.
Any severe abuse or neglect even if it is criminal in nature is identified as elder abuse
and may be sometimes investigated internally and sometimes not.
It strongly appears that the matter of the deadly neglect at the Millrise Village Seniors
facility is being totally disregarded.
Millrise Seniors Village clients were denied the necessaries of life. – CRIMINAL CODE Section # 215.
Will Millrise Seniors Village facility be shuttered, their license revoked?
Will Charges laid against all levels of administration including the owners?