Ontario Study shows paying doctors curbs unfit drivers.
Home > Blog > Ontario Study shows paying doctors curbs unfit drivers.The Star Editorial dated February 5/ 14, states the matter as factual, that paying doctors to be bounty hunters reduces carnage on the roads.
Then, as many of those zealots who wish to get older drivers off the road, cite seniors as medically at risk,
even though their illnesses are most likely being treated and under control.
They cite happenings from other jurisdictions, and those that happened decades ago.
To illustrate the “grim, inexplicable accidents”, in this article, Los Angeles and New Hampshire are named. An
accident which “shocked” Toronto (24 years ago) in 2000 is also cited.
Dr. Redelmeier is quoted as pronouncing, “The reduction in risk was immediate, substantial and sustained”.
What does that mean. What was reduced?
The article fails to opine whether the unfortunate individuals who were reported to the Ministry of Transportation,
had actually caused accidents or whether they self-regulated their driving and were actually safe drivers.
We are told that Dr.Donald Redelmeier has noted that ‘those who continue to drive tend to be more careful’.
How did Dr. Redelmeier make this scientific observation?
The Editorial cites “carnage” which means butchery, massacre, slaughter.
In our own jurisdiction, last Monday during the noon hour, a young woman, in her early twenties, struck
a young man, a pedestrian who was crossing on a lighted crosswalk.
A witness was quoted as saying that the male pedestrian tried to “run away” but the woman’s vehicle pinned
him between the car & garbage can and crushed him to death. That’s carnage.
How can Redelmeier, say with certainty and scientific accuracy that this protocol of reporting, reduced accidents?
What was taken into consideration in his research protocol?
Perhaps it was due to newer, more efficient cars, more visible signs, more favourable weather conditions.
In Alberta, statistics indicate, seniors cause the least casualty accidents.
Why would Ontario be so different?