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Repeatedly cold rooms at Villa Caritas

Home > Abuse & Neglect Studies Blog Mental Health > Repeatedly cold rooms at Villa Caritas

December 14th, 2012

Via facsimile – 780 342 6501 Letter to follow

Ms. Michelle Jasonson, Public Guardian Representative.
Office of the Public Guardian

Mr. R. Patrick Dumelie, President & CEO Covenant Health

Mr. Scott Baerg, RN, BSc, MBA
Senior Operating Officer, Covenant Health Villa Caritas

RE: Covenant Health Villa Caritas – cold room – 16515 88 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. -Unit # 2 A – Room 2117 –

Again the heat in Room 2117, has been turned down. The resident determined that some other rooms had appropriate heat.

Who are the abusers who directed maintenance staff to turn down the thermostat @ Room #2117?

It is difficult to comprehend how allegedly compassionate people in a Catholic care facility would direct the turning down of thermostats to unacceptable environmental levels at this time of year, especially on a geriatric ward.

It is known that the building is poorly constructed and when the rooms are cold, the bathroom and shower areas are even more uninhabitable.

Yours truly,

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society

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