Senior denied rights at Grey Nuns
Home > Abuse & Neglect Studies > Senior denied rights at Grey Nuns
December 9, 2011
VIA FAX 780 735 7498
Dr. A. Kruhlak MD
Senior Physician,
Grey Nuns Hospital, emergency ward
Dear Sir:
Re: D.T. Rm. # 7, Emergency ward, Grey Nuns Hospital
Why was this man admitted to the emergency ward?
Why did the evening nurse, who said she was an RN, inform me that Mr. Thomas had been admitted by EPS [Edmonton Police Service] because of a fall?
What assessment had been done by Dr. Rajoo (sp) prior to the Form I?
Why is he having X-Rays at tax payer cost?
Why is he taking up an emergency ward bed?
After meeting with him yesterday evening, he gave a most rational, accurate account of the day’s happenings. He was able to tell me the name of his lawyer and the lawyer’s phone number.
This man was abducted by the family member and brought to the Grey Nuns.
He has suffered an incredible abuse of his rights.
We have documented his family’s abusive activities and the manipulation of the system, dating back to 2005, all at tax payer expense. Thank you.
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society
Tags: Edmonton Police Service, Grey Nuns