"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."

Senior neglected by the Public Guardian

Home > Dependent Adult Abuse > Senior neglected by the Public Guardian

Letter of Complaint


December 16, 2012

Dr. Chris Eagle, Alberta Health Services
Office of the President & CEO ?7th Street Plaza, ?14th Floor, North Tower ?10030 – 107 Street NW ?Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3E4

Chief of Police, Mr. Rod Knecht
Edmonton Police Service,
9620 – 103A Ave.,
Edmonton, Alberta T5H 0H7

The Honourable Mr. Frank Oberle,
Assoc. Minister of Human Services
402 Legislature Office,
10800 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB. T5K 2B6

Reference : Patrick McManus, Public Guardian Representative, Office of the Public Guardian, Court Appointed Guardian of S. M.

Re: S. H. detained Aspen House, Morinville, AB. Alberta Health Services Facility. Admitted to University Hospital Edmonton, then transferred to Aspen House, 9706 100 Avenue, Morinville AB. T8R 1T2.

This matter was brought to the attention of the Elder Advocates of Alberta Society.

Throughout this matter we shall refer to Patrick McManus as the Guardian and S. H. as the client.


The Guardian:

  • Fails to exercise his authority in the best interests of the client.
  • Fails to convey important decisions to the client made by the guardian for the client.
  • Fails to act diligently
  • Fails to act in good faith
  • Fails to act responsibly for the client’s well being and safety.
  • Fails to authorize, provide and monitor ethical, medical health care
  • Fosters neglect
  • Fails to properly diagnose a condition
  • Fails to promptly respond to symptoms
  • Fails to foster dignity and respect for the client
  • Treats the client with indifference and disregard.
  • Disregards his duty of care to the client.


Our complaint against the Guardian chronicles disregard, isolation, bullying, inhumane treatment. We allege, that throughout, the alleged “care and support” of the Office of the Public Guardian, the client has been subjected to elder abuse and neglect.

The Office of the Public Guardian has usurped control of the client, having taken the rights of Agency from the daughter by means of a dishonest, untrustworthy Court Application. The Guardian has subjected the client to neglect and malpractice.

Under the Guardian’s direction, the client was confined to a facility :

  1. in the care of nursing staff who appear to lack patient assessment skills which are the cornerstone of being a proficient nurse.
  2. in the care of staff who appear to have not been given authority to act in the absence of senior managerial staff
  3. that exercises lax and questionable nursing practices
  4. that is environmentally unsuitable for vulnerable, elderly persons

The Guardian has denied the client her human rights, citizenship rights and Charter Rights, all under the guise of protection.


February 12, 2012

The client was drugged and without her permission or knowledge was transported from the University Hospital to Aspen House, Morinville, AB.

Thus it was difficult for her to receive visits from daughter, family and friends.

The Public Guardian had given a directive that during a visit from daughter, the client was not allowed to visit with daughter in her room but had to sit on an uncomfortable bench in the open area. After the allotted two hour time limit was over, the visiting daughter was ordered to leave Aspen House property and in a blizzard, wait for her ride.

Since November 21, 2012, Client’s daughter has emailed Guardian a number of times requesting his permission to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with mother. Guardian has not responded.

Friday November 30, 2012

Client informed Aspen House staff that there was blood in her urine. No urine specimen was taken nor in any way was a remedy provided.

The client believes that she has become subject to bladder infections, for the reason that the room is often uncomfortably cold. LPN accused client that she was causing too much laundry. Client alleges that she has difficulty controlling bladder due to chronic bladder infections.

Saturday December 1, 2012

@ 9:30 AM A massive hemorrhoidal prolapse occurred. The prolapse was about 6” in length and 2” in width.

The client’s room was cold which has been an ongoing issue at Aspen House. @ 1:49 PM, the LPN promised to bring in a heater.

@ 2:30 PM client again requested heater and was informed by LPN, there was no heater. Client informed LPN, that she had been given a heater two days ago. LPN then informed client that she had to wait for 15 minutes.

@ 4:00 PM, client was informed she could not have a heater.

Sunday – December 2, 2012

Client is nauseous, has bladder infection.

Bath day – LPN was to check if the water was warm enough for the weekly bath. (Sometimes Aspen House water is cold due to flawed plumbing).

LPN left the bathroom and client was not given a bath.

@ 1:45 PM first urine specimen finally taken

Sunday afternoon client’s daughter called Dr. Norman McDonald concerning client’s situation.

7:30 PM –

  1. LPN required another urine specimen and
  2. administered first dose of Cipro (antibiotic for urinary tract infection)
  3. administered pain medication.

From Friday to Sunday, client’s situation worsened, experiencing more pain and discomfort.

No doctor visited.

No registered nurse on site.

Client was crying and in pain, said she wished she was home with daughter where she could be compassionately cared for.

Client was crying, in pain, suffering from massive prolapse, told staff she felt gravely ill and asked to have an ambulance called to go to hospital.

LPN told daughter, by phone, that she could not take client to hospital.

LPN informed client, that she will take action if client leaves Aspen House, she will call police.

Because client was in great pain, client again pleaded with LPN to be allowed go to a hospital for care and pain management.

LPN summarily left room.

Approximately 9:00 PM, client called 911. An ambulance came.

Paramedics carried her to the ambulance where they immediately –

  1. administered oxygen
  2. started intravenous
  3. administered injection for pain
  4. took her vital signs, found her to have very high blood pressure.

Client was transported alone to Sturgeon Hospital. No one accompanied her.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

We visited with the client who appeared gravely ill.

Her condition appeared shocking.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Surgery, Sturgeon Hospital, St. Albert, AB.

Moved to Intensive care (ICU)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Client remains in intensive care (ICU)

We respectfully ask that our concerns be investigated.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society

cc. The Honourable Minister of Health, Mr. Fred Horne


Letter call to action

December 21, 2012

The Honourable Mr. Frank Oberle,
Associate Minister of Human services
402 Legislature Office,

Dear Mr. Minister:

Patrick McManus Public Guardian Representative, Office of the Public Guardian, Edmonton

Reference Ms. H., Detained at the University Hospital, Edmonton, AB. since October, 2011 & at Aspen House, Morinville, AB. since September 12, 2012.

We have been informed that Patrick McManus, Office of the Public Guardian, has directed that Ms. H who presently continues in ICU at the Sturgeon Hospital St. Alberta, be returned to recover post surgically at Aspen House, Morinville.

Ms. Hamilton has been seriously neglected and abused at Aspen House (note our attached correspondence dated December 16, 2012). It is deeply troubling that any one would suggest that she be returned to this Alberta Health Services Facility.

We respectfully ask for your intervention in regard to this matter.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society

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