Home > Blog > THE WORLD OF BEVERLY MUNROTuesday, February 21/12, Beverly Munro courageously spoke out at a Press Conference
An amazing silence followed. No one confronted or challenged her concerning her very
public, articulate and troubling statements.
However on Friday morning Beverly was confronted in the main lobby area by a
person unknown to her, who said she wished to assess her. The person did not
provide an identifying business card or ask Beverly’s permission to carry out such an
assessment which is a legal requirement.
Beverly strongly refused. The same morning, the person returned a second time determined
to carry out an assessment. Beverly again refused.
On the following weekend, Beverly was stuck in between the partly open doors
of an elevator, a terrifying ordeal for one who is wheel chair dependent, has only one
usable arm & being an amputee has only one leg. A loud alarm bell sounded for about
20 minutes but no one answered the bell. Finally a young couple with children came
and freed her.
The following Monday, said lady assessor again confronted Beverly in the main area
of the Edmonton General Continuing Care, determined to carry out a cognitive assessment.
Beverly again stood her ground and refused.
Is it possible that Covenant Health is attempting to discipline & discredit Beverly Munro
for speaking out, by attempting to declare her incompetent?