Home > Blog > THIRD DAY – FATALITY INQUIRY – FATAL SCALDING JENNIE NELSONMICHAEL SOUSA, GENERAL MAINTENANCE MAN took the stand at the Inquiry on Wednesday, November 30/05.He did not know at what temperature the water supplying the bath tubs was set. The tub, which had been used on theday of the incident came equipped with a manual, advising users to check the temperature gauge monthly. Howeverthe monthly checks had not been done by the maintenance man or by the technician, Tom Lewis, of Arjo, the companywhich hadbeen contracted by the Jubilee Lodge Nursing Home to service the five tubs at the home.
Tom Lewis, inspected the tub in the lodge’s Alzheimer unit, some days after the scalding incident occurred. He foundthe water in the pipes was 55C or hotter, far above the maximum 48C, which the Capital Health now mandates. He statedto the Inquiry , “I said yikes, it’s pretty hot. it was hot eonugh for me to pull my hand out.”.
Jubilee Lodge Nursing Home has 156 residents and is owned by Qualicare health services Corp. Lodge President,Greg Ulveland has informed us that “they have done everything that they can think of to prevent this from happening again”.
Tags: scalding