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Trespass Notices & Restriction of Visitors

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When Irene S. guardian and trustee of her mother, attended at the nursing home to visit her mother, the police were called. Two policemen arrived and asked her to leave. She had previously complained about the care her mother was receiving and was not aware that a “trespass notice” had been sent to her. Her mother was dying of cancer.

Jim S., who is guardian and is named on his 99 year old mother’s Personal Directive has also been barred. His mother is a resident in a facility in a neighboring city. He lives in central Alberta.

If persons complain, there will be consequences. When persons become too vocal concerning the care of their loved ones, they may be restricted and sometimes barred from the facility where their family member resides. The public meeting will focus on this matter. A number of persons from Edmonton and elsewhere who have been barred or restricted will speak to the issue. Some are very angry. There is no appeal mechanism in place for these people. In one instance the Capital Health Authority informed a young woman that the ‘trespass order’ would be lifted and she would be allowed to visit her family member, however the facility continues to deny her access. They have called the police on two occasions.

This is a widespread problem as noted in the Toronto Star October 31/04 – Nursing Home Bars Family – “Woman can’t see her 92 year old mother . Complaints bring “trespass notice”.

Source: Elder Advocates of Alberta Press Conference Notice, June 16, 2005 – 11:00 AM.

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