"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."

Anne Dupuis: Stripped of rights, prescribed dangerous medication

Home > Abuse & Neglect Studies > Anne Dupuis: Stripped of rights, prescribed dangerous medication

Letter to Minister of Human Services

Hand Delivered

May 22, 2012

The Honourable Mr. Dave Hancock QC,
Minister of Human Services,
224 Legislature Building,
Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2B6

Dear Mr. Minister:

Without Notice, Mr. Dennis Dupuis of St. Paul, has been arbitrarily stripped of the guardianship of his 100 year old mother, Anne Dupuis. The Office of the Public Guardian North Region, Teresa Overgaard, Acting Public Guardian, by means of an ex parte court Application, has been granted temporary Guardianship of Anne Dupuis.

Mr. Dupuis was not served or allowed to make representation to the court in regard to the government’s Application for a Protection Order under section 74 of the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act. – Court File number DA14 00629

Furthermore, it appears that the Order which granted the temporary guardianship filed by Alberta Justice May 18, 2012 is misleading, in that it states that an Affidavit by Public Guardian Representative Shelley Bailey had been ‘reviewed’ by the court. But then the Order further states that:

“Counsel for the Public Guardian must file the Affidavit of Shelley Bailey as soon as possible no later than Friday May 25, 2012”.

What sworn, documented evidence did Alberta Justice place before the Honourable Madam Justice J. Goss to allow the Honourable Justice to render the Temporary Protection Order?

We have been informed that to date, Mr. Dupuis has not been served a sworn, filed Affidavit in this matter.

Mr. Dupuis has been totally banned from visiting his aged mother and even from attending at any AHS facilities or agencies in the area.

We respectfully ask your investigation in regard to this matter.

We would be grateful to be in receipt of a response by the 1st of June, 2012.

Yours truly,

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society

cc. The Honourable Mr. Jonathan Denis, Minister of Justice, Solicitor General
Mr. Shane Saskiw MLA
Mr. Dennis Dupuis

Complaint to PPCA Abuse Line

July 16, 2012

Via Facsimile 780 415 8611
To the Protection For Persons In Care Act abuse line :

Complaint against:

Dr. H.P. Woytiuk – 4909 50 Avenue, St. Paul, AB.

Prescribed Risperdal –Ann Dupuis September 2011

J.P.Decosse Long term Care Center, St. Paul, AB.

RISPERDAL has the following black box warning:


Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis treated with antipsychotic drugs are at an increased risk of death.

The medication, Risperdal (Risperidone) was prescribed and administered to 100 year old Anne Dupuis without the knowledge or permission of the guardian of Anne Dupuis’, Dennis Dupuis.

We ask you to investigate this matter.

Thank you.

Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society

Letter to Ministers of Justice, Human Services

Mr. Dennis Dupuis
4934 45 Ave. St. Paul, AB. T0A 3A4
PH. 780 645 3749

Hand Delivered

July 26, 2012

The Honourable Mr. Dave Hancock QC,
Minister of Human Services,
224 Legislature Building,
Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2B6

The Honourable Mr. Jonathan Denis, QC.
Minister of Justice and Solicitor General
# 403, Alberta Legislature Building
Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6

Dear Honourable Mr. Ministers:

Without Notice, Mr. Dennis Dupuis, St. Paul, has been arbitrarily stripped of the guardianship of his 100 year old mother, Anne Dupuis. The Office of the Public Guardian North Region, Teresa Overgaard, Acting Public Guardian, by means of an ex parte court Application, has been granted temporary Guardianship of Anne Dupuis.

Mr. Dupuis was not the abuser of his mother. We allege that it was the care facility staff and physician under the direction of Ward Director Dany–Ann Fournier RN, at the J.P. Decosse Long Term Care Centre, who neglected and abused Anne Dupuis as follows:

  1. At 10:00 AM, Dennis Dupuis was granted permission to visit his 100 yr. old mother at the J.P. Decosse Long term Care Center, St. Paul, AB.He told us that he observed his mother June 26, 2012 @ 10:00 AM:
    • In a wheel chair
    • Slumped over
    • Totally non-responsive to voice and touch
    • Drooling
    • Denied noon meal
  2. Three persons were present with Mr. Dupuis. We allege – assault – chemical restraint. On June 27, 2012, 100 year old Anne Dupuis was not:
    • provided noon meal
    • provided evening meal

    We allege neglect.

  3. Prescribed Risperdal –Anne Dupuis September 2011, J.P.Decosse Long term Care Center, St. Paul, AB.Dr. H.P. Woytiuk – 4909 50 Avenue, St. Paul, AB.

    The medication, Risperdal (Risperidone) was prescribed and administered to 100 year old Anne Dupuis

    • without the knowledge or permission of the guardian of Anne Dupuis’, Dennis Dupuis
    • is contraindicated for elderly who suffer from dementia

    RISPERDAL has the following black box warning:


    Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis treated with antipsychotic drugs are at an increased risk of death.

  4. The Office of the Public Guardian and Alberta Justice have made Application to the Court to be heard July 31, 2012 @ 2:00 PM, Edmonton Court House, Queens Bench, Surrogate Court, in order to seize the Guardianship of Anne Dupuis, removing the rights of Dennis Dupuis, son and guardian. Mr. Dupuis has been the sole caregiver of his mother, Anne Dupuis for the last thirty years and longer.

Please also note, that on May 3, 2012, Charlotte LaRose informed Mr. Dupuis that there was a complaint and an investigation concerning his guardianship alleging “failure that is likely to cause harm to a represented adult’s physical or mental health”.

May 18, 2012, Teresa Overgaard, Acting Public Guardian, North region sent a letter to Mr. Dupuis stating that the alleged complaint was founded.

Her letter states that information was “gathered from Annie Dupuis and other parties in reaching the conclusion”

For some years, Mrs. Anne Dupuis had been diagnosed with advanced dementia and was under legal guardianship. Anne Dupuis was allegedly interviewed by Shelley Bailey and Jody-Lynn Dunlop of the Office of the Public Guardian, North Region, who had no legal right to interview her without the permission and presence of her legal guardian, Dennis Dupuis.

In this serious matter, Overgaard’s letter fails to name the “others”.

On the same date, May 18, 2012 there was also, already a stamped, filed Court Order, authorized by Susan Turner, Alberta Justice, Edmonton Queens Bench Court, Edmonton, AB which stripped the rights of guardianship of Dennis Dupuis, St. Paul AB. and appointing the Temporary Guardianship Order of Overgaard. How could that be?

Furthermore, the Order which granted the temporary guardianship filed by Alberta Justice May 18, 2012 is misleading, in that it states that an Affidavit by Public Guardian Representative Shelley Bailey had been ‘reviewed’ by the court. But then the Order further states that:

“Counsel for the Public Guardian must file the Affidavit of Shelley Bailey as soon as possible no later than Friday May 25, 2012”.

What sworn, documented evidence did Alberta Justice, Susan Turner, place before the Honourable Madam Justice J.Goss to allow the Honourable Justice to render the Temporary Protection Order?

We allege that there are serious irregularities that demand immediate investigation. We ask that your Offices look into these matters. Thank you.

Yours truly,

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society

cc. Mr. Allan Garber Parlee McLaws
Mr. Shayne Saskiw MLA
Mr. Dennis Dupuis

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