Euthanasia Issues
Home > Euthanasia IssuesPsychiatrists Call on Ottawa to Delay Expansion of MAID.
PSYCHIATRISTS CALL ON OTTAWA TO DELAY EXPANSION OF MAID. COMMENTS — The association representing the lead psychiatrists at Canada’s 17 medical schools is calling on the federal government to delay the expansion of assisted dying to people with mental illness, joining an increasingly vocal group of doctors who say proper safeguards are not yet in […]
“Stop trying to kill us off”
THE LEGALIZATION OF PREMATURE DEATH AS A TREATMENT OPTION IS A THREAT TO DIABLED PEOPLE. — Jane Campbell The Guardian UK – Assisted dying is not a simple question of increasing choice for those of us who live our lives close to death. It raises deep concerns about how we are viewed by society and […]
Assisted Suicide Deaths Neither Painless or Dignified.
ASSISTED SUICIDE DEATHS ARE NOT WHAT YOU THINK THEY ARE. David Rose, writing for the Daily Mail UK published an article on October 21, 2021, titled: Why an’assisted death is almost certainly not what you think it is. Stories about how assisted suicide deaths actually occur are rarely published. Recently researcher Dr Joel Zivot has […]
Biden Advisor: “Elderly Should Be First To Die”.
JOE BIDENS CORONA VIRUS TASK FORCE ADVISOR, EZEKIEL EMANUELL, OPINES, “ELDERLY SHOULD BE FIRST TO DIE, LAST TO LIVE”. One of the heads of the task force is the infamous Dr. Death, Ezekiel Emanuel, who was one of the brains behind Obamacare. He is most notorious for opining that people have no useful life beyond […]
Dutch Dementia Patients Can Be legally euthanized.
LANDMARK DECISION IN DUTCH EUTHANASIA LEGISLATION In April, 2020, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that doctors could legally carry out euthanasia on people with advanced dementia who had earlier put their wishes in writing even if they could no longer confirm them because of their illness. The ruling is a landmark in Dutch euthanasia legislation […]
Bill C-7 Expands Euthanasia Law
HOW Bill C-7 EXPANDS THE EUTHANASIA LAW IN CANADA. Bill C-7 removes the requirement in the law that a person’s natural death be reasonably foreseeable to qualify for Medical Assisted In Dying (MAiD). People who are not terminally ill can be killed by MAiD. The Quebec Truchon court decision, that led to Bill C-7 only […]
Dutch to offer ‘poison pill’ to healthy seniors who want to die The Dutch government has published a study that shows how many people want to end their own lives, prompting a political party to provide suicide pills for the elderly. THE HAGUE The Dutch government has published a study that shows how […]
5,000 Canadians Died by Euthanasia in 2019
Canada’s assisted death law is quickly going out of control. Approximately 5000 Canadians died by euthanasia in 2019 and 13,000 since legalization The media is reporting that there have been more than 6700 MAID deaths in Canada since it was legalized. I estimate that there have been at least 13,000 euthanasia deaths and here is […]
Extreme Ableism of Assisted Suicide
The “unspoken argument,” “Assisted suicide will gain traction because of the realities of the increasing cost of health care in an aging society, because in the final analysis, economics, not the quest for broadened individual liberties or increased autonomy, will drive assisted suicide to the plateau of acceptable practice.” Derek Humphry, Founder of the […]
Promoting Euthanasia In Australia
Once society accepts medical killing, the only questions that remains is who should be killed and for what reason? Australia is experiencing the promotion of euthanasia in a similar manner that Canada experienced death promotion before and after death by lethal injection (euthanasia) was legalized. The first “assisted death” in Victoria Australia is being promoted. […]
Assisted Suicide Califonia Style
John L’Heureux was a prolific writer and former Stanford professor who died April 22nd in California. His wife, Joan L’Heureux, initially told the New York Times that the cause was complications of Parkinson’s disease (1). Within a few days, though, the New Yorker published an essay by L’Heureux on why he would die by assisted […]
Delta Hospice Fights Death Order
Vancouver area hospice is asking the government to reconsider their proposal to give up $750,000 a year in funding so that it not be required to violate its mandate of care and compassion for patients by providing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) at its facility. The Health Authority’s demand is unnecessary, the hospice contends, noting […]
BC Health Minister to force Delta Hospice accept Euthanasia
The BC Health Minister, Adrian Dix, that the BC government will take action if the Delta hospice refuses to kill its patients. Adrian Dix has suggested that they will stop funding the 10 bed Delta Hospice if it refuses to kill. On December 2, the Board of the Delta BC Hospice Society that operates […]
Conscience rights of physicians
Conscience rights of physicians and the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal by Dr.Catherine Ferrier On May 15, 2019, the Court of Appeal for Ontario confirmed a lower court ruling defending the requirement of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) that dissenting physicians make “effective referrals” for euthanasia (“MAiD”). We consider […]
Assisted suicide: There are no best practices
DOES MAKING SOMETHING LEGAL MAKE IT ETHICAL COMMENTARY I am an adult psychiatrist who has worked in public sector psychiatry in the US and the UK. In both countries, physicians struggle with the ethics and professional meaning of legalized or proposed physician-assisted suicide (PAS). I was recently asked by an organization […]