Capacity Assessment Transcription
Home > Capacity Issues Dependent Adult Abuse > Capacity Assessment TranscriptionHAND DELIVERED
December 8, 2008
The Honourable Ms. Alison Redford, QC
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
The Honourable Mr. Ron Liepert,
Minister of Health & Wellness,
The Honourable Ms. Mary Anne Jablonski,
Minister of Seniors and Community Support Services.
We are calling on our Government to legislate that all capacity assessments be recorded and transcribed.
The proposed legislation should require that, a Certified Realtime Reporter must be present, to transcribe each and every assessment. When completed, the Reporter should make the certified transcription directly available to the assessed senior, without delay.
It is no longer acceptable, that seniors are being stripped of all rights in an unmonitored, secret process. We further submit, that the trite, meaningless, commonly used phrase, “poor insight and judgment” should no longer be recognized, as a stated reason for incapacity.
We must safeguard senior Alberta citizens from further predation.
Thank you.
We shall be awaiting a response and be grateful to be in receipt of your response by the 20th of December, 2008.
Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society
c.c. The Honourable Marjory LeBreton, P.C.
Leader of the Government in the Senate