Cold Rooms at Villa Caritas
Home > Abuse & Neglect Studies > Cold Rooms at Villa CaritasLetter
October 30, 2011
Via facsimile – 780 342 6501
Letter to follow
Mr. Scott Baerg, RN, BSc, MBA
Senior Operating Officer, Villa Caritas
16515 88 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5R 0A4
Dear Sir:
COLD ROOMS – Villa Caritas 16515 88 Avenue, Edmonton, AB – Unit # 2 A
On Friday September 30, 2011, a resident of Unit # 2 A, returned to her room # 2117, to find that her heat had been turned down. Nursing staff told her that a maintenance man had been in and turned down the thermostat.
Please advise us as to who directed maintenance staff to turn down the thermostat @ Room #2117 on September 30, 2011?
We have noted in our files that this resident stated on:
October 1, 2011: “Very cold – can’t take a shower, maintenance man turned down heat yesterday. Room cold Hopefully get a quilt – only have a bedspread”.
October 3, 2011: Cold in room – shower room is cold. Cindy RN & Carmen said cold. Can’t take a shower”.
October 20, 2011: Informed Dr. Buchinski – taking a shower, freeze to death. Ill and febrile due to infection, cellulitis of legs.
We find it disturbing and even abusive, that anyone would direct the turning down of thermostats to unacceptable environmental levels at this time of year. Especially on a geriatric ward of vulnerable elderly who are detained behind locked doors.
On October 28, 2011, after we had made a number of complaints, the temperature was turned up to reasonable heat. Said Resident finally felt that she could take a shower which she did.
We would be grateful to be in receipt of your response by the 12th November, 2011. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society
Dr. Dick Au MD, Misericordia Hospital
Ms. Michelle Jasonson, Public Guardian Officer
Mr. R. Patrick Dumelie, President & CEO Covenant Health
Tags: Covenant Health, Dr. Dick Au, Michelle Jasonson, Office of the Public Guardian, Patrick Dumelie, scott baerg, villa caritas