Exploitation of Estate?
Home > Dependent Adult Abuse Theft Issues > Exploitation of Estate?May 29, 2015
Via facsimile – 780 422 9136 –
Letter to follow
Mr. Les Hills, Acting Alberta Public Trustee,
Office of the Public Trustee
4th Floor, Brownlee Bldg.
10365 97 Street, Edmonton, AB. T5J 3Z8
Dear Mr. Hills:
Estate of Lewis Clarke and Ruth Clarke – 10946 154 Street, Edmonton, AB. T5P 2J9
My father passed away in 1988. His estate had not yet been completed when my
mother disappeared at the end of October 1990. Subsequently, the Office of the
Public Trustee became involved to manage their estates. Mr. Ned Frohlich, Trust
Officer was the person who gathered up their assets plus managed the case for
well over a decade. When he received a promotion the file was passed to another person.
In order to settle the estate, I have approached numbers of lawyers who after some
Investigation have refused to act for me. A lawyer whom I approached most recently
Informed me that I had, had a chance to get the estate. That the Office of the Public
Trustee had told her that I had gotten Lawyer, Mr. Christopher Head to prepare all the
needed documents and then that I had refused to sign them. This is not true.
As every lawyer that I have contacted has called the Office of the Public Trustee, it
would make sense that this misinformation has prevented me from obtaining council
in order to settle the estate.
Please advise me in regard to this matter.
I would be grateful to be in receipt of a response in regard to this long standing
matter by the 15th of June 2015. Thank you.
Yours truly,
June 24, 2015
Hand Delivered
The Honourable Mr, Irfan Sabir
Minister of Human Services.
Room # 402, Legislature Buiding.
10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5K 2B6
Dear Mr. Minister:
Estate of Lewis Clarke and Ruth Clarke – 10946 154 Street, Edmonton, AB. T5P 2J9
My father passed away in 1988. His estate had not yet been completed when my
mother disappeared at the end of October 1990. Subsequently, the Office of the
Public Trustee became involved to manage their estates. Mr. Ned Frohlich, Trust
Officer (who was charged with fraud and jailed in 2013) was the person who gathered
up their assets plus managed the case for well over a decade. When he received a
promotion the file was passed to another person.
In order to settle the estate, I have approached numbers of lawyers who after some
Investigation have refused to act for me. A lawyer whom I approached most recently
Informed me that I had, had a chance to get the estate. That the Office of the Public
Trustee had told her that I had gotten Lawyer, Mr. Christopher Head to prepare all the
needed documents and then that I had refused to sign them. This is not true.
I have sent the attached letter to Mr. Les Hills, Acting Public Trustee of the Office of
the Public Trustee. He has failed to respond. Therefore I am asking your Office to
investigate this matter.
I would be grateful to be in receipt of a response in regard to this long standing
matter by the 15th of July 2015. Thank you.
Yours truly,
July 23, 2015
The Honourable Mr, Irfan Sabir
Minister of Human Services.
Room # 402, Legislature Buiding.
10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5K 2B6
Dear Mr. Minister:
Reference: Estate of Lewis Clarke and Ruth Clarke – 10946 154 Street,
Edmonton, AB. T5P 2J9
Thank you for your correspondence of July 14, 2015. I respectfully suggest that your
letter of response fails to address the issues: I shall attempt to articulate them for you.
1) Continued interference by the Office of the Public Trustee.
2) Million dollar estate is allegedly now worth only $57,000, my mothers and
father’s estate.
1) Investigate interference by Office of Public trustee.
2) Shortfall of estate value be investigated
1) My father passed away in 1988. His estate had not yet been completed when my
mother disappeared at the end of October 1990. Subsequently, the Office of the
Public Trustee became involved to manage their estates.
Ned Frohlich, Trust Officer, upon the disappearance of my mother, had been placed
in charge of my mothers (and fathers) estate. Mr. Frohlich was
placed in charge of gathering up the assets. He was the Trust Officer for this file for
well over a decade, from approximately 1993 to about 2008. When he received a
promotion the file was passed to another person.
2) Mr. Frohlich was subsequently charged and convicted of fraud and jailed in 2013.
. . . . / 2
3) According to Office of the Public Trustee documents provided to me, only about
several $100,000 was gathered up and placed into the account.
4) The Office of the Public Trustee pressured me to retain Counsel Christopher Head or
I would not have a lawyer. However, I did not seek the services of Mr. Head.
5) I retained Mr. Ron Hop, counsel, who had an office at the Law Building.
He directed me to sign “for receiving the money”. He told me that if I did not sign that I
would “lose everything”.
6) Subsequent to this, I received a Court Order in the mail, containing my signature, that
which I had signed, which released the Office of the Public Trustee. I received no money.
7) In order to settle the estate, I have approached numbers of lawyers who after some
Investigation have refused to act for me. Most just simply refused to act, however,
a lawyer whom I approached most recently kindly Informed me that I had, had a chance to
get the estate.
She told me that the Office of the Public Trustee had told her that I had retained lawyer,
Mr. Christopher Head to prepare all the needed documents. However, then I had refused
to sign them. This is not true.
8) I surely believe that the estate should be worth approximately one million dollars.
I am told that there is now only $57,000. at the court
9) Mr. Les Hills, Acting Public Trustee of the Office of the Public Trustee has failed to
Respond to my concerns.
I am asking your Office to investigate this matter.
I would be grateful to be in receipt of a response in regard to this long standing
matter by the 6th of August, 2015. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Ronald Clarke
10946 154 Street, Edmonton, AB. T5P 2J9
c.c. Ms. Sarah Hoffmann, Honourable Minister of Seniors
Mr. Ric Hilborn, Alberta Law Society.
Ruth Maria Adria, Elder Advocates of Alberta Society