Falsified Information on Death Ceritificates
Home > Fatality Inquiries > Falsified Information on Death CeritificatesJanuary 20, 2005
Fatality Inquiry
Edmonton Court House
Judge A.H. Lefever
Re: Alleged Choking Death – Mr. John Dach – Jubilee Lodge Nursing Home
This blind 66 year old man was perceived to be choking on his breakfast toast, and became non-responsive. After applying the Heimlich maneuver and expressing some toast, the non-responsive Mr. Dach was removed from the busy, crowded dining room, taken up an elevator, taken down the hall to his room. His son, a drywaller, was phoned and asked what should be done. His son immediately came to the facility and found his beloved father dead.
The Medical Examiner, Dr. Graeme Dowling was aked by Alberta Justice to review the death some three months after the fact when family members complained to Alberta Justice that their father had choked to death in front of staff and no investigation had been done. Dr. Dowling stated to the vourt that Mr. Dach had died of Congestive Heart Failure though he examined only records and reports and not the body.
Four registered nurses testified that they treated Mr. Dach for choking and Dr. Joseph Tilley had informed the family that indeed Mr. Dach had died of choking.
Dr. Joseph Tilley testified he was wrong on two counts when he had entered an incorrect cause of death on the Death Certificate that stated that Mr. Dach died of “aspiration pneumonia”.
Adapted from “Senior didn’t choke to death, doctor testifies,” The Edmonton Sun January 20, 2005 p. 32