It’s not seniors
Home > Senior Driving Issues > It’s not seniorsTraffic deaths were up more than 50 per cent in Edmonton in 2015
with a total of 35 people killed on city streets.
That’s up from 23 deaths last year.
Almost half of the fatal crashes involved IMPAIRED DRIVERS and
one-third involved EXCESSIVE SPEED.
“We’ve seen a lot of innocent victims who have died as a result of
negligence on other motorists out there,” Sgt. James McLeod with
the Edmonton police major collisions unit.
McLeod said he hopes those grim statistics will drop once Alberta’s
new distracted driving laws come in to effect on Friday.
Under the new law, tickets for distracted driving will come with
demerit points.
Fourteen pedestrians were among those killed on Edmonton streets
during the past year.
Adapted CBC News 16/03/16