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Jean Warden Fatality Inquiry

Home > Fatality Inquiries > Jean Warden Fatality Inquiry


December 3-7, 2012 @ 9:30 AM

Edmonton Provincial Court

Judge P.G. Sully presiding


When Jean Warden was moved from a long term care centre to the University Hospital, September 11, 2005, the diagnosis was as follows:

“malnutrition / dehydration, muscle wasting, decreased albumin levels, anemia, appeared totally emaciated, cachexia, swollen left great toe reddened with necrosis, pressure sores on coccyx and heels, pus oozing from a sore on her ear, pseudomonas infection in her urine.”

U of A staff stated that they were mandated to make a complaint re: Protection For Persons in Care Act –Section I- Part 6 –

“failing to provide the necessities of life such as food and medical attention.” Criminal Code S. 215

Her condition further deteriorated and she died on September 23, 2005.

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