Klassen: Seniors’ tests have nothing to do with driving ability (with poll)
Home > Senior Driving Issues > Klassen: Seniors’ tests have nothing to do with driving ability (with poll)“If you want to know what constitutes the cognitive test doctors give to Alberta seniors over the age of 75, just ask 81-year-old Lois Mooney, and you’ll get a spittin’ earful.
For a driving test, it’s ridiculous, she’ll tell you, and one that is discriminatory to make her take just because she’s had a birthday. Check my eyes, knees, response time; put me in a car and let me take you for a spin, that’s all fair ball, this sweet-looking grandmother will tell you — but don’t for one second think that because I pause to spout back 10 words that start with the letter “k,” that I can’t handle an interchange, or drive to Arizona (which she’s done a dozen times, and may well do again, thank you very much).”
Read the full article & vote in the poll on the Calgary Herald Website.
Tags: Calgary Herald, In the News