Lisa Goltman injuries
Home > Euthanasia Issues > Lisa Goltman injuriesJacqueline Goltman
3115 – 39 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
June 26th, 2013
Complaints Director
Alberta College of Physicians
2700 – 10020 100 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0N3
Complaint against Dr. Karr-Hong Lee
Emergency Department
University Hospital Edmonton
Reference: Lisa Rachel Goltman – Deceased (In this matter I shall refer to
Lisa Rachel Goltman as Lisa)
Former Patient at Alberta Hospital – Schizophrenia
Date of Birth October 29, 1990 Alberta Health Care # 197925720
1) Failed to demonstrate competence in Professional Practice Failure to perform
2) Misrepresented the truth of Lisa’s injuries in his report –
Listed injuries as a headache
3) Failure to report Lisa’s injuries to “Protection for Persons in Care” –
Mandatory in Alberta
4) Untrue – Reported medication was not given
5) Failed to treat a bleeding patient for 5 hours on arrival to emergency by EMS.
On March 25th 2013 at approx. 3:30 p.m. I Jacqueline Goltman received a call from a
supervisor at AHE (Alberta Hospital) Unit 8-2B telling me that my daughter Lisa Goltman
who was in the STARS (Specialized Treatment Program) had slipped and fell on her own
urine and was being transferred to the U of A Hospital E.R. by ambulance.
“See attached pictures of Lisa on arrival” Lisa arrived at the ER Dept at approx. 5:20pm.
My husband Derek and I met Lisa when she arrived and we waited in the hallway for over 5
hours. My daughter Lisa, bleeding – split open lips, contusion on her forehead, frightened
and clearly in a lot of pain. The doctor we saw that evening was Dr. Lee who had told us
initially “THIS WAS NO SLIP AND FALL” but later downplayed her injuries.
Your ER records show she was given 1000mg of Chioro hydrate at 2050. This was not the case,
she did not receive that medication until 0040 (500mg) March 26th 2013. She was still in the
hallway bleeding at 2050 NOT EVEN CHECKED YET. Can you please tell me what the protocol is
for someone who has gaping wounds that are bleeding, a large contusion on her forehead which
is also bleeding and can’t even explain where it hurts. 5 hours in a hallway???.
Look at attached photos.
The ER Dr. that was assigned to Lisa “Dr. Karr-Hong Lee” represented a letter to Dr. Naik,
Sandeep Specialty: Radiologist. Stated and blatantly lied saying the representing problem
was a HEADACHE!! Again, refer to the photos enclosed. Not only did Dr. Lee lie to the
radiologist, he neglected to get the proper authorities involved under the “Protection for
Persons in care’ Mandatory reporting in Alberta is required. Our daughter died 5 weeks
after this incident??
Please take a look at her blood work done that same evening. Specifically WBC and NEUT
counts. This is all indicating an infection. I had to ask for her urine to be checked
(tested) because she was complaining of a backache for 3 weeks prior to this and urinating
herself. Not once did the ER doctor take her vitals!! She was rushed in and out, WHY because
she came from Alberta Hospital. She should have been kept in hospital and more investigative
blood work should have been done to figure out why her Neut count was so high. I would also
like an investigation into why she was discharged that evening from the ER given the findings.
I would like Dr Karr-Hong Lee held accountable for what appears to be nothing but a cover
up to conceal the truth of what really happened to our daughter Lisa.
Her injuries were minimized if not discounted because this happened at Alberta Hospital
Test results indicated a medical condition that was not properly addressed.
Medication recorded as given was inaccurate.
I ask the College to investigate this matter.
Please allow us to be in receipt of a response by July 10TH, 2013.
Thank you.
Jacqueline Goltman
Encl. Photographs of Lisa taken March 25th, 2013 at U of A Hospital ER.
Medical Report from U of A Hospital March 25th, 2013
Proof of Legal Guardianship
Authorization for release of information.
Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society
Tom Engel – Lawyer
Richard Goltman (uncle)