Senior Driver Abuse
Home > Senior Driving Issues > Senior Driver AbuseElder Advocates Of Alberta Society
November 19, 2012
Mr. Gordon Voth, President
Seniors United Now (S.U.N.)
Suite 15 – 2016 Sherwood Drive,
Sherwood Park, AB. T8A 3X3
Dear Mr. Voth:
We have been deeply troubled to learn that you are encouraging the use of the Simard MD test and DriveAble computer test and are even holding a public meeting on December 4, 2012, to do so.
Since 2010, we have been receiving anguished phone calls and emails from across the province and even from BC and Ontario concerning older persons who have had their lives devastated by this protocol.
We are privy to a situation where we had advised the senior not to take a DriveAble test, primarily because there is no legal requirement for it.
Furthermore his family and neighbors, who also called us, perceive him to be a most safe driver. However he had been trapped by the SIMARD MD. A family member who was intimidated by all this and concerned about the potential loss of the license, also called S.U.N. They spoke with Richard Tansey, S.U.N. V.P. who encouraged to take the test because there is “nothing to it”.
After close to a three hour round trip to Edmonton and a fee of $266.00 ($250 + GST), the senior was informed that he had failed, which is not surprising.
Driver Fitness and Monitoring have advised us by letter that:
“Alberta Transportation does not require that individuals complete a
Simard MD or DriveAble assessment for renewal of their Operator’s License”.
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More recently the Honourable Minister of Transportation, Mr. RIc. McIvor has by letter, advised us of the same.
We allege this to be a massive, multi-million dollar scam, perpetrated against the older citizens of this province. Wherever, this protocol is promoted, money has changed hands. Unfortunately some physicians have bought into this corrupt protocol.
Please advise us, why you are promoting this abusive, destructive protocol for Alberta seniors?
Thank you.
We shall be awaiting your reply and be grateful to be in receipt of your reply by the 26th of November, 2102.
Yours most truly,
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society,
c.c Mr. John MacDonald, Executive Director
Tags: DriveAble, Gordon Voth