"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."

Supportive Living Accommodation Licensing Act

Home > Assisted Living > Supportive Living Accommodation Licensing Act

Hand delivered

May 12, 2009

Mr. Cal Dallas MLA, Red Deer South
#703 Legislature Annex,
Alberta Legislature

Dear Sir:


The above named proposed legislation which is before the legislature is an extremely important piece of legislation which will ultimately affect thousands of Alberta senior citizens.

We urge that that the proposed Supportive Living Accomodation Licensing Act be sent to committee for further examination before it is placed before the House for final assent by the legislators.

Many of these facilities have been in place, housing vulnerable Albertans, for over a decade, unlicensed, unregulated and unmonitored. We are aware of some of the difficulties that seniors have had to deal with.

We would be grateful to be in receipt of your response in regard to this most urgent matter by the 26th of May, 2009.

Yours truly,

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society,

The Honourable Ms. Mary Anne Jablonski, Minister for Seniors and Community Support Services
Mr. Tim Wiles, Deputy Minister, Seniors and Community Supports
Dr. David Swann, Leader of the Official Opposition


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