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Vehicular Injury Homicide

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June 22, 2009

VIA FACSIMILE 780 422 6621

Letter to Follow

The Honourable Ms. Alison Redford, QC
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
403 Legislature Building, Edmonton, ABT5K 2B6

Dear Ms. Minister:

Reference: Sudden Death of Wanda Lorea Tennant, Thomas Lawrence Donelon and Gladys Marie Donelon in a deadly car accident on August 6, 2007.
Donelon Pics

Another passenger in the vehicle, Chelsea Donelon suffered critical injuries which resulted in paraplegia. At the time, she was a Grade 11 Scona student who suffered devastating injuries in the car accident that claimed the lives of her mother and grandparents. Chelsea broke two vertebrae in her back, both ankles, one thigh bone and both arms and is now paralyzed from the waist down. 15 year old Chelsea was an Olympic hopeful who practiced skiing five days a week.

This accident happened on the Queen Elizabeth II Highway near Leduc on a summery, Monday afternoon. The driver of a northbound Infiniti SUV lost control of their vehicle and crossed the grass median into the southbound lanes colliding with the oncoming Donelon vehicle.

We are asking you to call an Inquiry at your earliest, under the Fatalities Inquiries Act, Chapter F6 in regard to this horrific happening.

We submit that it is imperative that this matter receive attention by your Department.

We would be grateful to be in receipt of your response in regard to this matter by the 15th of July, 2009. Thank you.

Yours truly.

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society

cc. Ms. Margaret Mrazek QC, Chair, Fatality Review Board,
Justice and Attorney General


Donelon  # 1 July 9

Donelon  # 2, August 5
Donelon  # 3 , September 30


October 27, 2009

VIA FACSIMILE 780 422 1265

Letter to follow

Ms. Margaret L. Mrazek QC, Chair
Fatality Review Board, 7007 116th Street,
Edmonton, AB T6H 5R8

The Honourable Ms. Alison Redford, QC
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
403 Legislature Building, Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6

Reference: VEHICULAR INJURY (HOMICIDE) August 6, 2007:

Thomas Lawrence Donelon
Gladys Marie Donelon
Wanda Lorea Tennant

Chelsea Donelon, 15 years of age, olympic hopeful is now a paraplegic.

Mz. Mrazek, further to your correspondence of September 30, 2009 stating that you have recommended to the Minister that no public inquiry be held. We cannot accept this decision. We knew these people since their university days and find it unacceptable that their lives can be snuffed out without a public hearing.

We are again asking you to call an Inquiry at your earliest, under the Fatalities Inquiries Act, Chapter F6 in regard to this horrific happening.

Respectfully submitted, we would be grateful to be in receipt of your response in regard to this matter by the November 30, 2009. Thank you.

Yours truly.

Elder Advocates of Alberta Society

Attachment – Photos of Tom and Gladys Donelon


Donelon  # 4 , November 25

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