Victor Stark
Home > Fatality Inquiries > Victor StarkMay 16, 2016
Via Facsimile – 780 422 6621 Letter to follow
The Honourable Ms. Kathleen Ganley, Minister of Justice and Attorney General?
323 Legislature Building,
10800 97 Avenue, ?Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2B6
Dear Ms. Minister:
Reference: – Sudden Death, Victor Stark, O3, 10 /15,
DOB 24 / 05 /32
Victor Stark was a recovering patient at the Ortho Subacute Care, Capital Care Grandview. According to Doctor’s notes, he was recovering well. However on October 2, 2015 at 10:30 Hours, he was found on the floor of his room, unresponsive. Nursing staff revived him but he passed away on October 4, 2015 at 12:25 Hours, 25 hours without any life support. They told the family that he had suffered severe brain damage.
We are asking you to call an Inquiry under the Fatalities Inquiries Act, Chapter F6 in regard to this sudden death.
We would be grateful to be in receipt of your response by the 20th May, 2016. Thank you.
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society
c.c. Mr. Don McDermid, Chair, Fatality Review Board
Ms. Val Stark
Fatality Inquiry Denied