Why Would the FDA Approve Electroshock?
Home > Mental Health > Why Would the FDA Approve Electroshock?BY Dr. Peter Breggin
Modern electroshock (ECT) delivers up to ten times the amount of electricity needed to cause a convulsion, leading to a very severe convulsion, unconsciousness, coma, flat lining of the brain waves, and aftereffects identical to a severe concussion with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Yet the FDA, forever evading the fact it has never demanded the testing of ECT, has once again determined that ECT is too harmless to require serious testing.
Without any testing at all, effective December 26, 2018, the FDA has approved ECT for treating people with “drug-resistant depression.” Since the drugs do more harm than good, most people end up feeling or being labeled “drug resistant.” In effect, the FDA has made ECT suitable for almost anyone who gets depressed.
Why would the federal government do such as tragic and horrendous thing as to approve the rampant use of a brain-damaging “treatment.” A new film, The Minds of Men, may have the answer. Go directly to it from here. The Minds of Men is the creation of two incredible young filmmakers, Aaron and Melissa Dykes, who interviewed me extensively and then stunned me and my wife Ginger with a film filled with critical information of which we were wholly unaware. Their film is among the most important we have ever seen.
With footage and documentation that represents truth rather than “conspiracy theories,” The Minds of Men tells the story of the government’s efforts to support mind control research, from LSD to ECT and psychosurgery, and beyond into the grizzliest perpetrations by highly respected doctors taking covert federal dollars.
The last Wednesday of the month, in this case December 26, is always “open mic day” for the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour. Ironically, December 26 is also the beginning of a potentially permanent open season for shock doctors against people trapped by psychiatry.
You can call in with questions and comments any time on Wednesday 4-5 pm NY time at 888 874 4888. Most of the time will be devoted to callers with questions or comments about anything of interest; but I will start with comments on ECT and the new film. Listen to The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour live on www.prn.fm this and every Wednesday 4-5 pm NY time and call in with questions or comments live on 888 874 4888.
December 2018