Willy Otto Kneisler disallowed visitors
Home > Abuse & Neglect Studies > Willy Otto Kneisler disallowed visitorsApril 25, 2012
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To the Protection For Persons In Care Act abuse line :
Complaint against Val Sorby, Director of Operations, Dr. Gerald Zetter Long Term Care Center – Good Samaritan Care Society – 9649 71 Ave.
I am disallowed to visit my son Willy Otto Kneisler at the Zetter Long Term Care Center. I allege this to be abuse as per:
Protection for Persons in Care Act, RSA 2000,
Abuse means:
(ii) intentionally causing emotional harm, including, but not limited to, threatening, intimidating, humiliating, harassing, coercing or restricting from appropriate social contact,
This complaint was made to you in a letter dated March 16, 2012. You have failed to respond.
I again ask you to investigate this matter of abuse. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Willi Kneisler
7803 15 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6K 2T2
Tags: gerald zetter care centre, Protection for Persons in Care Act, Willi Kneisler