ZOOMER Magazine, DriveABLE
Home > Senior Driving Issues > ZOOMER Magazine, DriveABLEZOOMER Magazine – THE TALK – Rebecca Field Jager – November Publication
EDITOR: Suzanne Boyd
ZOOMER Magazine
Dear Madam:
REFERENCE: ZOOMER Magazine – THE TALK – Rebecca Field Jager – November Publication
It appears that Rebecca Field Jager who cites DriveABLE in her article, The Talk, had not informed herself as to the accuracy of the computer based, simulation test.
We can provide documentation that DriveABLE frequently misclassifies drivers.
DriveABLE purports to measure cognitive and driving abilities, they publish that they are able to predict actual on-road performance. That is not true. Furthermore they allege that they protect safe drivers from misidentification.
The DriveABLE franchisees who administer the tests, do not apologize nor refund costs to those whom they have harmed by misclassification.
On our website and in thousands of widely, disseminated brochures, we have published DriveABLE’s abusive, dishonest protocol .
In November 2012, DriveABLE Assessment Centres Inc. served us two, Cease and Desist letters threatening legal action.
We did not respond nor did we cease to publish.
We strongly allege the DriveABLE testing to be a massive, sophisticated, multimillion, multinational scam, perpetrated against the older citizens of this country, developed by private interests and supported by government.
Unfortunately some physicians have bought into this corrupt protocol.
In future, we respectfully recommend that ZOOMER carefully review their publications for accuracy.
Furthermore, we ask that ZOOMER apologize for the error and for the harm that they may have caused to older citizens, by recommending and promoting this unprincipled agency.
Thank you.
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society