Alberta long term care fees hiked 3%
Home > Blog > Alberta long term care fees hiked 3%The Honourable Ms. Jablonski has announced another long term care fee. Is the fee hike justified? Perhaps those in care should be asked. What is the quality of the food? Does a weiner and half a bun constitute a meal? A small, slim lady housed with alzheimer patients, continually tells us that she is hungry.
From small town AB., we have a photo (November 30 / 08) of a senior sitting in front of his lunch, two gobs of unidentifiable pureed whatever and a glass of water. He had lost 20 lbs. From Calgary, we have reports of a group who provide insufficient calories, to their clients, to sustain life.
In July 2003, seniors were given absolutely no notice of the massive raise of well over 40 % in LTC fees. They were told PAY. This time around, they have given notice until February 2011. So has a small lesson been learned?
Private room – $1,700. Semi – private room, just under $1,500.