AMA affirms Simard MD fraudulent
Home > Blog > AMA affirms Simard MD fraudulentDon Szarko, Director of Advocacy and Community services, Alberta
Motor Association affirmed to us at the Grey Matters Conference
2014, that that the concept, perpetrated by Bonnie Dobbs, that
“a cognitively intact person can easily pass the Simard MD”,
is false.
Across the province, senior’s lives have been disrupted by this
We told Mr. Szarko, that in many areas, Albertans who have suffered
because of this deceptive, unjust protocol, have had to relocate,
move off of family farms, become prisoners in their own homes.
They tell us that they, their parents or grandparents fled the
Ukraine, Eastern Europe and other parts of the world because of
persecution. Now they are being persecuted by their own government
and those who purport to be their advocates.
Mrs. Dobbs was to have participated in the conference. However,
this professed, research scientist was presenting misinformation.
As Chair of “Addressing the Demand for Accessible and Appropriate
Transportation for Seniors in Urban and Rural Alberta”, her preamble
profile stated:
“The percentage of seniors with a driver’s license is declining and
the majority of seniors will become ‘transportation dependent”.
The statement is incorrect and misleading. In fact, now recent,
numerous studies indicate the opposite. On February 2014, the United
States Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, referring to senior
drivers, published that:
“we are seeing dramatic increases in older workers staying in the labor
force and continuing to work and commute well past 65″.
We objected to Seniors Information Services, Alberta Health who were
sponsors for the Grey Matters 2014 conference. The profile was changed.
Mrs. Dobbs did not attend the conference. 03/10/14