Abuse & Neglect Studies
Home > Abuse & Neglect StudiesDeadly Scalding in Long Term Care Centre
It’s not easy to imagine Dianne Poff’s life. But the Saskatchewan woman’s death was especially unimaginable. In 1955, when she was nine months old, Ms. Poff contracted meningitis. She was never able to speak or move her limbs…
Kipnes (Veteran Center)
Family not informed of virulent MRSA – diagnosed Febrary, 2006… Note: Contains some graphic images
Failure to Provide Protective Legislation
For over thirty five years, your government has failed to provide protection to Alberta’s senior citizens…
Neglect At the Grandview Care Center
He entered the care facility on October 26/2005 after much agonizing on my mother’s part. He was a walking, talking (not always making sense, but making words), self-feeding for the most part, happy individual…
Inadequate Care and Untrained Staff
There were countless incidents at the Devonshire Care Centre, where I believe the “medical care” provided to my friend Rita Vallentien’s…
Abuse & Neglect Identified as Manslaughter
It is believed to be the first time in Canada that elder abuse has been declared an indirect cause of manslaughter…
Letter to the Honourable Mr. Dave Hancock Regarding PPCA
For many years, we have met with various persons of government, in regard to effective, enforceable elder abuse legislation….
Edmonton Police Service Defending Nursing Homes
Recently four visiting seniors were summarily removed from the Chapel church service at Rosedale, they were attending with other residents. The police were called and what is most troubling, the police came to ensure that these four seniors were removed and left the grounds.
Elder Abuse or Criminal Negligence?
The week long Fatality Inquiry of November 28/05, was presided over by a Provincial Court Judge and seven lawyers. The lawyers represented Alberta Justice…
Deadly Neglect at the Devonshire Care Centre
I brought my 92-year-old, paraplegic mother to Canada from the U.S. in late April of 2005 to provide much-needed supervised care for her…
Sustained Elder Abuse Unidentified Violence and Neglect
Disturbing incidents and events that occurred during Mom’s stay at the Dr. Gerald Zetter Care Centre that were not addressed or dealt with in a fitting manner when family requested an explanation…Note: contains some graphic images