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Crisis in long term care: Covenant Health Edmonton General Hospital

Home > Blog > Crisis in long term care: Covenant Health Edmonton General Hospital

On February 14, 2012 the husband of Audry Chudyk visited his wife

at  the Edmonton General Continuing Care Centre. He found her 

 in a life threatening state, in bed with her mouth open, 

unconscious, in her own feces, which was also under her fingernails.  

Her  roommate said she had been like that for days.

The family said when they confronted caregivers about their family 

member’s condition they were told there were no doctors on the ward, and 

that staff had been given no directive to take action.

911 was called & she was rushed to the U. of A. Emergency Room; doctors 

there determined Chudyk had dangerously low blood pressure, was suffering

 from severe, untreated pneumonia, blood pressure so low her pulse was undetectable, 

infected bedsores, and sores inside and around her genitals from a bowel infection. 

Doctors discovered she also had a cardiac incident at some point that had gone 

unnoticed and untreated. A fractured spine – likely connected to two falls Audry had 

from her electric wheelchair at the General, about which the family only learned 

from Audry and not staff – had also been undiagnosed, the Chudyks said.

Natassia Chudyk said her family is “outraged and disgusted” by how neglected 

her Grandma was treated by staff at the General Hospital.

Who will be held accountable for this criminal neglect and the failure to provide 

necessary health care?