Home > Blog > DON’T BETRAY CANADA’S SENIORS WHO BUILT CANADAThe Government of Alberta’s cost-cutting decision to uproot 7,000
ill,debilitated seniors from their nursing homes and place them in
Designated Assisted Living is suggestive of their ignorance
regarding stages of aging.
The patients of nursing homes are a category unto themselves
because there is a qualitative shift in their daily demands. Due
to their unpredictable health, they imperatively require “full care”
with unlimited hours (24/7), as needed (not approximately two
hours care they receive in DAL).
I know three families who lost their parents in a DAL because
of the discrepancy between their needs and the level of care
All three really old, frail seniors died; one had a heart attack, the
other diabetic coma and the third developed pneumonia that
went unnoticed because no one checked on them In the nursing
home, the aides have a collective mindset to be vigilant, willing
and extremely careful because they understand that the infirm
population of nursing homes can succumb to any illness, any
time. They watch over patients frequently, even at night for
heart attack, stroke, diabetic coma, pneumonia and other
health problem. That is unreserved “full care.” In DAL, nursing
home patients are subject to another violation. The DAL staff
is brainwashed to make them “independent.” However, they
lack judgment to discern that some patients have definitive limits
to the independence they can achieve.
Ten families have testified to me that overenthusiastic aid
workers pushed the seniors aggressively, to perform tasks
they were unable to. The harassed seniors sank into
depression and deteriorated in their health.
All the above flourished when moved to nursing homes, and
displayed more independence because their health improved
with “full care.”
The above incidents may be infrequent, but even one such
case is one too many if your parent is the victim.
It is up to us to force the government to abandon their plans
that would have tragic consequences for our parents on
whose sweat and blood our nation stands today.
Please email Health Minister Ron Liepert> This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , or phone 780-427-3665.