Dr. John van Olm is cited unprofessional conduct for billing deceased patients
Home > Blog > Dr. John van Olm is cited unprofessional conduct for billing deceased patientsDr. Van Olm billed scores of patients daily at 12 nursing homes & 4
senior citizen lodges and also some decedents. He took money from
elderly patient clients. His actions have been criminal however his
professional association, the College of Physicians & Surgeons has
suspended him for 3 months, a little holiday.
This professional is probably laughing all the way to the bank.
In the mid 90’s, the Elder Advocates met with Dr. Larry Ohlhauser, the
then Executive Director of the College of Physicians & Surgeons, in regard to these
very same matters, physicians who are paid to give medical care to nursing
home patients but fail to do so.
We have a photograph titled “bedsore” on our website. The injury allows one
to view the body cavity, the spine is exposed.The stench of the necrotic flesh
was unbelievable.
The physician who had been making regular entries in her nursing chart, told us that
he was unaware of the stage # 4 bedsore or of the patient’s wasted condition.