"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."




In October 2008, Central placement placed Helen T. in a locked alzheimer ward.

She was detained like a maximum security prisoner for 8 months, never allowed to

leave not even for a cup of  coffee.   April 2009 & June 2009, reassessments were

made & it was determined that she had been very wrongly placed.  However, she

was not moved to a less restricted area until November 2/09, at which time we had

made a complaint to the Protections For Persons in Care in regard to another matter

concerning the abuse of Helen.

She has now been confined at the Vegreville Care Long Term Care Center for over

2 years & desperately wishes to return to her home community where she worked

at the Tofield Hospital for 35 years. None of her family / guardians were present to

celebrate Thanksgiving with her.

The confinement has disabled Helen.

Presently she cannot walk, from bed to bathroom without the aid of a walker. She

is not allowed to go out for a walk though she desperately needs that exercise both

for body and soul..

This is a woman who walked all over Tofield, to church, to dinners, to the Golden

Age Club and is now virtually handicapped.  She has been severely traumatized

and is angry by what has been done to her. She is like a prisoner in “stir”

She is also seriously depressed.  She has told us many times,

“I want to go to my grave”

“I want Jesus to take me to my grave”.

“i don’t like living in this world anymore”.

But no one takes mercy on her.

We submit that the entire system is culpable in the unlawful confinement & horrific

abuse of Helen T. (First and foremost Central Placement personnel).

Mr. P.M. (Publication ban in place), Mr. PM. was detained in a locked, alzheimer

unit for close to 3 years, 2006 – 2009. In September / October 2006, he was detained

at the Royal Alexandra

Hospital, stn. 53 under close guard.  His children informed him many times that he

had Alzheimer disease. When he requested  “papers” of the attending physician,

Assistant Professor, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Glenrose Hospital,

concerning his detention, he was told,”You have no rights”,   Days later, Mr. PM

was taken to a locked alzheimer unit. This amazing,  elderly man with his i

indomitable spirit, would exercise daily in the hallway much to the amusement of

staff. His multi-million dollar estate, was seized without a lawyer,

without a Court Order and with invalid documents.

The victimized senior, a hard working Alberta citizen was detained and kept isolated

behind locked doors in an Assisted Living Facility, stripped of all rights,as a result of

flawed, implausible, untruthful cognitive assessments.

His family actively denied him a lawyer, disallowed him to attend court hearings, receive

his Christmas mail from Europe (& couriered mail).  His visitors were screened & severely

restricted.   His visitors continue to be restricted.  In June 2010, 2 seniors were sued in the

court / punished & given ‘costs’ for attempting to visit Mr. P.M. Those seniors also had to pay

a lawyer to speak for them in the court.

He now has relative freedom outside of the facility,  takes lengthy walks around Beaumaris

lake and other old haunts. He has walked many blocks to visit his former bank and his old

family, physician.

Despite his freedom, his gold watch, his ring, his rights have not been returned to him.

Dora (Eudokia) C. entered the University of Alberta Hospital (U.of A.) late October 27/09,

with a foot injury. She then was never allowed to return home. For the last 11 months she

is being kept like a maximum security prisoner. Dora was an independent Canadian citizen,

who loved her Bonnie Doon home, paid utilities, her taxes, planted a large garden and

was not costing taxpayers any money.  While there for care, a psychiatrist gave her a

capacity test. Dora speaks Ukrainian, polish & German. She didn’t even understand why

she was being questioned. She is illiterate and her spoken English is in simple words. No

interpreter was present for any assessment. To date, 7 psychiatrists have visited her. All,

more than once or even twice, one visited 9 times, one 11 times, all making multiple charges

to AB.  Health. (One of these doctors also declared that Flora L’Heureux was totally

incompetent & in 2007, declared that Mr. P.M. suffered from apraxia & agnosia &  was so

incompetent that he could not instruct a lawyer making him a non-person.).

Some of Dora’s family members alleged that she was starving and her house was unclean,

that she was not capable of self care.  On November 27/09, a 3 ton dumpster, ordered by a

daughter’s family, was placed in Dora’s backyard and filled to overflow. Contents of which

have been photographed and showed jars of food that Dora had preserved.

At the end of December ‘09, a psychiatrist having filled out a Form 4’, stating she had

irreversible dementia, 80 lb.Dora was moved, under security to Norwood.Is being detained

in a 6’1/2’ x 11’, area (hovel) in a locked unit where she had to place towels & sheets on the

window ledge to keep out the winter cold. A guard is posted at the elevator. Held like a

maximum security prisoner, for over 11 months, she has not been allowed to leave the

unit, never was allowed to go outside for a breath of fresh air or even attend Mass which

was held in the same building.

After we made a complaint to the Human RIghts  Commission, this little 87 year old lady was

allowed to attend  Mass (under close supervision). This elder  can now hardly walk, she has

been disabled.

She was told by a ward nurse that she would not be allowed to attend the  May 3/10 Court

Hearing of the Application for Trusteeship & Guardianship.  At that court hearing, the Form 4

was declared  invalid because the court declared Dora  could not have understood the

questions without an interpreter..

Dora receives no care, does her laundry in the B.R.sink, hangs her clothing over the bed

rail to dry.

“How can the government allow this to be done to me?  I worked hard all my life and was

not a burden to anyone.  I did not steal, cheat or murder anyone.  I paid all my debts.  I was

a good citizen, I would rather die than live in this prison”.   87 year old  Dora Cinciruk

VICTOR C. was held in the Calgary Rockyview Hospital Day Room for 11 months. He slept

in the day room, ate in the day room, visited in the day room & never left the day room.  Other

persons also used the day room to watch TV, etc. because it is a day room.  A sign on the

window said the blinds were not to be closed.  He was held like a monkey in a zoo. He received

no recreation, no exercise. $11,000. in lawyer fees finally set him free.

NELSON S – August 2009, was arrested by members of the Edmonton Police Service on the behest

of a neighbor. He was taken to the U.of A. psychiatric ward & held under close guard. He was told to take

medications, which he refused. On the 2nd day of the detention, he put on his clothes & attempted

to leave, burly security guards were called, he was made to undress & take a needle.

After visits by us and other advocacy, after about a month he was told to leave.  No documents

signed, no apology  extended for the wrongful confinement.

NELSON S. -May 2010 – This 80 year old man  was again  arrested by members of the Edmonton

Police Service, taken to the U.of A. Hospital, told to take off his clothes, given a hospital night gown,

locked in a windowless, cement room D4 &  kept under close guard, Then within two days,

he was transported by ambulance to a mental hospital.

Mr. Struk’s forefathers fled the Ukraine, immigrating to Canada, to escape just such tyranny.

At Alberta Hospital,  he was detained behind heavy locked doors, on a geriatric unit, his

visitors sharply restricted.  After approximately four weeks, after being held

under close guard, a lawyer called the hospital concerning this man’s detention.

Immediately, the psychiatrist called a  yellow cab &  sent Nelson home. (No explanation,

no discharge papers, Leave!) It was after hours, so Nelson had to return next day to retrieve

his wallet from the locked safe.

We submit that there was breach of the Alberta  Mental Health Act RSA 2000,

the Act demands service pursuant the Act, RSA 2000

Section 14, (1) (a) & (b)

He was denied rights pursuant to

Section # 10 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

which directs that

“Everyone has the right on arrest or detention

a)to be promptly informed of the reason therefore

b) to retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right

c) to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus

and to be released if the detention is not lawful”

Furthermore, Nelson S. took up an active treatment bed, paid for by our tax dollars,

The bed was not available for those who needed it.

It is deeply troubling that seniors must engage a lawyer in order to establish rights.

Particularly when they are allegedly in the care of professional persons,

professional doctors, psychiatrists, professional nurses, social workers and others.

We find it equally troubling, unethical & unprofessional, that gerontologists, psychologists /

psychiatrists attend, visit, make consultations, assessments, make life decisions for

individuals, strip persons of their rights but fail to give any identification or business card

to the client / patient.

Staff at AHE were not wearing name tags.

As Canadian citizens we should not have to engage lawyers to establish our rights against

the State.

Finally Mr. Struk is asking for compensation.

Pursuing justice is not only the victim’s right, it is the moral duty of all citizens

The total violation and suspension of the rights of Mr. Nelson Struk was carried out with

deliberate, planned intent.

Post script. Since that last arrest, the police have been there twice, at the behest of neighbors,

saying they want to “talk to him” (Nelson).  That is what they told him the other times & arrested

him.  Now he does not leave the safety of his house.

The question is WHY do they keep coming? Why is this senior being treated so egregiously?

– It has been reported to us that the neighbors who call the police and have Nelson harassed &

arrested have friendship with the drug trade.


On June 18/10, the Office of Public Guardian (OPG) & RCMP apprehended 87 year old Myrtle H.

stripped her of her cell phone & hid her at the Raymond, AB. Good Samaritan care center in the

service room’ (Room 227). in the storage area.

Her visitors sharply restricted, she was detained for over 3 1/2 months in this back room, the

Lethbridge OPG had used an implausible assessment to convince the court to grant an

Apprehension Order.

On June 16, 2010, Public Guardian Officer, Lethbridge made an ex parte Application to the

court for the apprehension of Myrtle H. On June 18, 2010, Myrtle H. was apprehended at

Linden, AB, (not at her domicile in Lethbridge) by the RCMP and Calgary Public Guardian

Officers and initially was taken to a care facility in Lethbridge, The View. The Public Guardians

and the RCMP failed to advise Mrs. M.H. of her rights according to the Charter of Rights and

Freedoms. The female Mountie did however advise Mrs. M.H. that though she may be screaming

& kicking, they were going to take her anyway (paraphrased).

Terrified & crying on the shoulder of a young friend who was present and also crying, she was then

led away to a government van and taken to Lethbridge.

Not only was Mrs Hofer seized by the Office of the Public Guardian, but also her estate was seized

by the Office of the Public Trustee, denying her all access to her money.

On July 6, 2010,Counsel for the Public Trustee, brought an Application before the Queens

Bench Court, Surrogate, for the guardianship and trusteeship of Mrs. Hofer.  The Application was

made on behalf of the Office of the Public Guardian and the Office of the Public Trustee. 

At the court, Myrtle H. was not  allowed to be present, she was not represented by Counsel

although she had requested counsel, she had no voice at the court.

We therefore stepped forward at the court to

advise the Honourable Judge  of relevant facts which were being withheld from him.

Facts such as, that 87 year old Mrs M. H. had been apprehended by the RCMP and the Office of the

Public Guardian, that she had not been advised of her rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,

that she had been stripped of her cell phone and was being isolated from family and friends.

Three and a half months later, and three court hearings later, the court disregarded the implausible

assessment & finally reinstated some of her rights and Myrtle H. was set free. However, her massive

estate, seized by the Public Trustee has not been returned to her.

Finally, we have been informed that the apprehension and detention of M.H. has

been carried out under the protocol of the unjust Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act.

We have written the Minister of Seniors that she should  be advised and “advise your

staff that Mrs. M.H. is a Canadian citizen and therefore is privy to all rights of citizenship”.

ROBERT O. Robert O. who was detained at the R.A.H. for 7 months has finally been returned

home for care.  Being a  very tall man, he was most uncomfortable on the narrow

hospital bed. Once he cried when we visited, asking for help to get out.

There are numbers of seniors being detained in active treatment hospitals where they are

most uncomfortable, have no exercise, recreation or appropriate treatment. Many of them

could be cared for in Assisted Living Facilities which apparently have a 12 1/2 % vacancy

across AB.

MARJORIE B. a retired RN,  Lamont grad, has been stripped of all rights and & has been held

in lock up since November 2008. She has told us:“I am so lonely”. Initially she was held

at AB.Hospital, on the 2nd floor of the Geriatric unit. There were no activities, and her only

activity was & is to read and reread. Presently she is detained in a locked unit at a Leduc

care center. She is oriented to date, time and place. She is not incompetent.  She is a sweet

gentle person who has many friends who are very concerned about her. She is being sharply

detained with cognitively impaired individuals with whom she cannot communicate, her visitors

restricted, her phone calls intercepted.

Her son, the guardian, restricts many of her long time friends from visiting. Furthermore, why

is she being in Leduc and not in Gibbons or Red Water?  She is being physically, mentally

& emotionally isolated. She is seldom taken out for a walk.

Her Colonel son (American) keeps her there & seldom visits, he gives her no spending money.

DON T. was detained for  a month 2009 – 2010, at the Royal Alexandra Hospital (R.A.H.)

until  a lawyer intervened.  Don’s son, business man in small city Alberta made Application to the

Court to have his elderly father apprehended. After dark, on a winter evening, shortly before Christmas,

RCMP arrived to take Don away. (Merry Christmas Grandpa). Don spent Christmas Day & New Years

at the  [RAH].) ,Because he was preparing for bed when the mounties arrived, he was not fully dressed.

The Mounties instructed him that he did not need socks, just come and if he did not resist, they would

not handcuff him.  On the way to the RAH,  Don noted that the Mounties were lost, heading in direction

of St. Albert and advised them as to where to go to get to the hospital.

First he was held for some days in the cold emergency ward where the cot was far too small for a man

the size of Don. After being admitted to hospital, psychiatrists at the R.A.H. tried hard to declare that Don

was, incompetent. He is not incompetent. After a month of taking up an active treatment bed & other

resources, a lawyer intervened and the attending psychiatrist had no choice but to allow Don to leave

the hospital.  Don’s children would not drive him home to his farm.

Liesje B. One day 89 yr. old Liesje B. failed to return home from the Kirby senior daycare program.

Had she been abducted? When in the fall of 2008, family found her at the Glenmore Beverly Care

Center, Calgary, Liesje no longer had her upper teeth,  her hearing device or even her own name.

The name on the door of Liesje B.’s room was LESLIE KWONG.  The Public Guardian had changed

Liesje B.’s name to LESLIE KWONG. Her visitors are sharply restricted. This bizarre story is still unfolding.

.Barrett B had been working in his garage when he was apprehended and arrested (handcuffed) by

Edmonton Police. He was taken to the Grey Nuns Hospital and placed in a small cell like room.

He was told to take medication which he refused. Fortunately, after 5 days a psychiatrist told him

that there was nothing wrong with him & sent him home. He learned that unbeknownst to him, a daughter

had made an ex parte Application to the Court to have him apprehended. Years later he was suffering

from post traumatic issues.  He was very fearful that the police would come and arrest him again.

Indeed! We have lengthy documented files in regard to each named person and we have more

names which we shall bring forward.

It is almost impossible to comprehend the magnitude of the collective injustices which have been

perpetrated against these Alberta citizens.

“Away with your hymns of praise,

I will not hear the noise of your instruments.

But let  justice run down as waters

And righteousness as a mighty stream“.

Amos 5:23, 24

In future, we will continue to name other Alberta senior citizens whose rights have been sharply

curtailed / suspended - suspended by government employees, the public advocates, the Office

of the Public Guardian and the Office of the Public Trustee, psychiatrists, psychologists, guardians,

trustees, social workers & other professionals.