Letter to Minister of Transportation
Home > Senior Driving Issues > Letter to Minister of TransportationFebruary 12, 2014
Letter via email – transportation.minister@gov.ab.ca
The Honourable Mr. Wayne Drysdale, Minister of Transportation, 324 Legislature Building 10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2B6
Dear Mr. Minister:
Thank you for your correspondence of February 10, 2014.
Please be aware, according to Alberta statistics, seniors are the safest drivers on Alberta roads. It is well known they have the lowest casualty rates, they are not causing the often carnage on Alberta roads. However, at age seventy five, due to a government edict, they must be subjected to:
- a physical exam at taxpayer expense (in numbers of medical clinics across the province where it is policy to administer the Simard MD to every senior age 75 and over)
- cognitive testing (Simard MD) at taxpayer expense
- computer testing (DriveABLE test) at senior expense – $250 plus GST).
Allegedly, this is to keep our highways safe. Obviously, there is no justification for this testing. We are being abused by this protocol, our rights are being violated. We are respectfully asking to have this protocol put to an end.
We would be pleased to meet with you in regard to this matter. Thank you.
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society
Tags: DriveAble, Minister of Transportation, simard md, Wayne Drysdale