Articles Tagged: simard md
Home > Tags > simard mdSimard MD reason for License Suspension
February 13, 2023 Letter Via Email Honourable Mr. Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Transportation, Alberta Legislature, Edmonton AB. . Dear Mr. Minister: REFERENCE – Senior Driver License Applicants. . We are again receiving Reports from seniors that they are being . 1) disallowed to drive, . 2) their driving licenses suspended . 3) directed to submit […]
Failure To Obtain Informed Consent From Senior Drivers
REGISTERED MAIL Professional Conduct Department College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta Suite 2700, 10020 – 100 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 0N3 Dear Sir/ Madam: REFERENCE: FAILURE TO OBTAIN INFORMED CONSENT- ADMINISTRATIVE FAIRNESS Alberta citizens, 75 years & over are required to have a medical exam by a physician in order to register for […]
Grey Matters 2015
Elder Advocates Of Alberta Society July 20, 2015 Email letter to Ms. Laura Paradowski, Manager, Seniors Information Services, Alberta Health Edmonton, Alberta Dear Madam: Grey Matters 2015 It has been brought to our attention that a Grey Matters 2015 presentation will again be chaired by Bonnie Dobbs PhD. At the 2014, Grey Matters conference, […]
Dementia Deception
Seniors who fail the fraudulent Simard MD cognitive test, according to this government document are deemed to be suffering from dementia. This test is not formally recognized by the Alberta Department of Transportation, nevertheless the Alberta Government pays Doctors $75 when they administer the test. This deceptive test has been the cornerstone of the Simard […]
Medical screening for older drivers is misguided, argues senior doctor
Age related testing ‘breaks almost every tenet of screening’ Personal View: Medical screening of older drivers is not evidence based Medical screening of older drivers is misguided and typifies a “worrying lack of due diligence” by the medical profession, warns a senior doctor on today. Professor Desmond O’Neill, Consultant Physician in Geriatric and Stroke […]
The Myths and Facts about Older Drivers
Dr. Bonnie Dobbs again produces misinformation. THE “MYTHS AND FACTS ABOUT OLDER DRIVERS,” HAS NOW BEEN REMOVED FROM THE MARD WEBSITE. 06/04/18
Older drivers do not have a high crash risk
Courtesy Road Safety Observatory: Key Findings: Different driver age groups cannot be validly compared for crash involvement, if crash rates have been calculated solely on the basis of distance travelled. The present study has shown that after being matched for yearly driving distance, most drivers aged 75 years and above were safer than younger age […]
EFPA finds older drivers do not have increased accident risk
“In conclusion, Older drivers generally do not have an increased accident risk. All studies that have evaluated the safety effects of age based population screening for fitness to drive have failed to document any safety benefits from this type of screening. On the contrary studies indicate that this type of screening may have an indirect […]
Annual compulsory medical test for elderly drivers axed in Australia
ANNUAL medical tests for drivers aged 70 and over will be scrapped to encourage older people to remain active in the community and because evidence shows they do not lower crash rates. The State Government move follows research that shows Victoria, which does not have age-based testing, has a crash rate similar to South Australia […]
Canadian Geriatrics Journal finds no association between SIMARD and doctor’s decisions
In a conclusion published in the Canadian Geriatrics Journal, an article titled “Comparison of the SIMARD MD to Clinical Impression in Assessing Fitness to Drive in Patients with Cognitive Impairment” reports “There was no association between the SIMARD MD scores and the geriatricians’ clinical decision regarding fitness to drive in persons with mild dementia or mild […]
Joan Lowry of the Associated Press, from the United States Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Joan Lowry of the Associated Press, from the United States Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. On Friday February 21st., 2014, A News Release in Washington , D.C. by the United States Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, stated that they were wrong in thinking that an older population would lead to more accidents, and just the […]
Doctors electronically connected to Alberta Transportation
Letter to Minister of Transportation March 13, 2014 Via Email, The Honourable Mr. Wayne Drysdale, Minister of Transportation, 324 Legislature Building 10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2B6 Dear Mr. Minister: Doctors electronically connected to Alberta Transportation, Department of Driver Fitness. Yesterday, we attended at a seniors driving information meeting in St. Alberta, […]
Letter to Minister of Transportation
February 12, 2014 Letter via email – The Honourable Mr. Wayne Drysdale, Minister of Transportation, 324 Legislature Building 10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2B6 Dear Mr. Minister: Thank you for your correspondence of February 10, 2014. Please be aware, according to Alberta statistics, seniors are the safest drivers on Alberta roads. It […]
Challenging the veracity of the Simard MD protocol
It has been widely published that the Simard MD cognitive test was developed by Bonnie Dobbs PhD and Donald Schopflocher PhD, of the Medically At-Risk Driver Centre. (MARD). We challenge the veracity of that assertion. In lectures and public presentations, Bonnie Dobbs presents the Simard MD as a product of their research. She refers to the […]