"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."



Dear Madam Premier:

Re: Ministry of Seniors and Community Supports.

After decades, we have a litany of concerns in regard 

to the Senior’s Ministry. They provide no advocacy. They 

have a history of harming us. This bureaucracy employs 

somewhere in the neighborhood of 1800 employees.

There has been failure by their Office to provide, viable, 

enforceable protective legislation.

 At the 2004 deadly scalding of Jenny Nelson, a government 

representative recommended that no police be involved in the investigation.

In 2005, a 14 page “Formal complaint filed by Flora L’Heureux”  

Hand Delivered to the Minister of Seniors, a complaint mainly 

about the Public Guardian was disregarded by the Minister and 

given to the Public Guardian’s Office for investigation.

 The 2010 abduction of Myrtle Hofer, by the Calgary Office of 

the Public Guardian.  This Canadian citizen was driven to 

Raymond AB. Good Samaritan Centre, stripped of her cell 

phone, detained & isolated in a rear service room.

The 2012 eviction, without cause, of a senior from poorly 

maintained seniors housing in Olds, Alberta.

We reported the Public Guardian’s Office for disseminating 

misinformation (untruths) in seven languages, to seniors across 

the province, concerning the Personal Directives Act.   That same 

Office, under the active direction of the Minister of Seniors, widely 

promoted the Adult Guardianship & trusteeship Act, which is 

legislated abuse used to control seniors and strip them of their wealth.

 Silence meets the reporting of horrific accounts of deadly neglect & 

mistreatment, understaffing, warehousing in elder care facilities.


Seniors are being detained at an alarming rate in active treatment 

hospitals.  100’s & 100’s of seniors are languishing in active treatment 

beds.  Nevertheless, their monthly  room & board payments provide 

millions of dollars of economic benefit to the hospital system.


Seniors, applying for their driving licenses are subjected to the 

Simard MD test which when failed causes them to be immediately 

stripped of their driving license.  (Simard MD is an unfair and unlawful 

test which even a Government Minister failed).


Perhaps it is time to save our overburdened tax dollars and scrap this massive 

bureaucracy which places seniors in harms way rather than providing protection and advocacy.