No justification for Simard MD & DriveABLE pilot project
Home > Blog > No justification for Simard MD & DriveABLE pilot projectWe have learned that in 2008, the Honourable Mr. Luke Ouellette
signed a Pilot Project which introduced discriminatory restrictions
& special testing for older drivers.
Research found, that no press releases or publicity was issued
at that time in regard to this matter. Publicity would have allowed
Albertans to research the matter or object.
This surreptitious protocol was introduced despite the fact
that according to all Alberta statistics, seniors are the safest
drivers on Alberta roads, they have the lowest casualty rates.
This pilot project introduced the use of the Simard MD cognitive test &
the DriveABLE computer assessment, a product of the private for profit,
multi-million dollar, DriveABLE Assessment Corp. Inc., product
of the Alberta Deal Generator, the largest investor network in Canada
which represent over $400 million in available capital.