Home > Blog > PERSONAL DIRECTIVE, ALBERTAIn 2006, a multi-million dollar estate was seized without a lawyer, without a court order, with a Personal Directive that had not been properly enacted.
However the Banks, the Courts, all accepted the flawed, dishonest process. The victimized
senior, a hard working Canadian citizen, though fully oriented to date, time and place
time, was detained behind locked doors in an assisted living facility.
His children actively denied him his money and right to a lawyer.
They told him that he never would get out of there.
However in the fall of 2007, this man of indomitable spirit and courage was allowed
freedom to wander throughout the building, a work site and ultimately to walk
around a nearby lake and even visit his former bank.
One day he walked over to visit his physician which was well over three kilometers.
Though, after his outings, on returning to the assisted living facility, Mr. P.M. always
had to return to the locked unit, to his room located over the facility garage.
Finally in summer of 2009, almost 3 years after incarceration, he was moved out
of the locked alzheimer unit into a unit in the general population, where he knows
everyone, greets everyone & is very well liked.
Though he appears to have more freedom, he still is not allowed to have his gold wrist
watch & his visitors continue to be restricted by family & courts.