Home > Blog > PSYCHIATRISTS BLAST MANITOBA FOR INTERFERING IN BUS BEHEADER’S TREATMENT.A group representing more than 4,000 Canadian psychiatrists has condemned
the Manitoba govt. decision to prevent Vince Li from taking supervised outdoor strolls,
calling it
“the worst kind of political pandering and fear mongering.“They have cited
that it demonstrates “a shocking lack of knowledge and understanding of mental
illness.” Li was found not criminally responsible for beheading & cannibalizing
22 yr. old Tim McLean on a Greyhound Bus in 2008.
However there appears to be no condemnation or even concern by Canadian
psychiatrists in regard to numbers of detained seniors here in Alberta.
Take for example, little 86 year old Dora Cinciruk, whose matter recently heard
in the Edmonton surrogate court. She did not behead anyone but came to hospital for
care. For eight months, she has not been allowed out of doors, except once, when
under close guard, she was moved from the University Hospital to the Norwood locked
She is even denied to attend Mass which is held in the same building. Why?
Helen Tiedemann was totally detained like a maximum security prisoner for eight months
or Nelson Struk who is being held behind heavy locked doors at the Alberta Hospital
Edmonton or Mr. P.M. the 20 K dollar man who was detained in a secure alzheimer unit
for 3 years and finally freed last summer? (The court has placed a ‘Ban on Publication’
in regard to Mr. P.M.)