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The DriveABLE Competence Screen as a predictor of on-road driving in a clinical sample

Home > Blog > The DriveABLE Competence Screen as a predictor of on-road driving in a clinical sample
Research Article
“The DriveAble Competence Screen as a predictor of on-road driving in a clinical sample”
A research study by Nicol Korner-Bitensky1,2 and Susan Sofer1,3 1School of Physical and 
Occupational Therapy, McGill University, 
2Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation
du Montréal métropolitain, and 3Autonomy-Community-Therapy Inc., Montreal, Quebec, 
“As a predictor of on-road failure, the Screen was found to have excellent diagnostic properties 
in a sample of medically impaired drivers referred for driving evaluation. Other studies across 
various settings must substantiate these finding before supporting its use in clinical 

Australian Occupational Therapy Journal (2009) 56, 200–205