Upcoming Hearings
Home > Blog > Upcoming HearingsJanuary 16 – 20/ 2012
– Edmonton Court House, Fatality Inquiry @ 9:30AM
Judge P.G. Sully presiding
Jean Warden -On September 11, 2005, Jean Warden was taken to the hospital
from her
long-term care facility.
Upon admission to UofA hospital they diagnosed
the following:
“malnutrition / dehydration, muscle wasting, decreased albumin levels, anemia, appeared
totally emaciated, cachexia, swollen left great toe reddened with necrosis, pressure sores
on coccyx and heels, pus oozing from a sore on her ear, pseudomonas infection in her urine.”
U of A staff stated that they were mandated to make a complaint under the
Protection For Persons in Care Act
– Section I- Part 6 –
“failing to provide the necessities of life such as food and medical attention.”
Her condition further deteriorated and she died on September 23, 2005.
January 25/ 2012 – Edmonton Court House, Fatality Inquiry @ 9:30AM
Judge J. Henderson presiding
LECAVALIER, Lucy, 93, Edmonton On September 24, 2008, Lucy Lecavalier was
administered a lethal dose of medication at her long-term care centre.
She died the same day
February 1/ 2012
– Edmonton Court House, Fatality Inquiry @ 9:30AM
, Nicole Theresa, 27, Edmonton On January 14, 2009, Nicole Laramee was
discovered unresponsive at Alberta Hospital Edmonton.
She was resuscitated but had suffered an anoxic brain injury and died January 15, 2009.
March 5 – 15
/ 2012 – Edmonton Court House, Fatality Inquiry @ 9:30AM
Judge EA Johnson presiding.
PIFKO, Carol, 61, Edmonton On April 28, 2009,
Carol Pifko developed fever and other symptoms and was transported to hospital
from her long-term care facility.
She had been administered contraindicated medication.
Her condition deteriorated and she died on May 1, 2009.
Tags: Jean Warden