Home > Blog > VIOLENCE AT WENTWORTH MANOR, 5709 14 AVE. SW, CALGARYWhile in care at the the Wentworth Manor, a fragile 83 lb., 86 year old
woman who was unable to care for herself, dress herself due to dementia,
– had her hips broken twice – both sides on two separate occasions,
two months apart.
– suffered a punctured lung at the same time three ribs were broken.
– was found naked on the bathroom floor
-found with severe, extensive, unexplained bruising
– was sexually assaulted,
– Following the sexual assault, the victim was bathed,
her bed linen and her night attire washed and she was put back to bed.
The family requested a bed alarm for a duration of 6 months
prior to the Mom finally receiving one. Guzman was “caught”
the night after she received her bed alarm.
The family offered to have their own video surveillance
installed and monitor it themselves but were told it would
be an invasion of privacy for the Mom AND the care givers.
A complaint has been made to Protection For Persons In Care against
The Wentworth Manor, the Administrator & the Director of Care
SENTENCING: Cesar Guzman, June 2/06, Queens Bench, 323 6th Ave. S.E. Calgary,
worked in other Calgary elder care facilities
TRIAL: Rex Ongee Okumu, 40, Monday June 26/06. a senior’s caregiver,
suspect in an attack on senior,trial for rape, Calgary,